Part 13- tour

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Stephanie's POV

It's been a couple days and I've hung out with Ronnie constantly. We are dating but we haven't went on a date date but whatever.

I sat on my fluffy as shit bed and was watching grown ups for the millionth time. I packed down a bowl of ice cream and a half pack of Oreos. Luckily all my fat goes to my ass thighs and boobs. "Hey hunny." My dad said coming in. I paused the movie and sat up. "Hey dad." I said as he sat next to me. "So what's up?" I asked stealing his hat and putting it on my head. "Well we are going to be touring with another band and we need an opening act. We thought you and your brother could do it." He said with a smile. "I say yeeeessss!" I screeched and tackled my dad with a hug. "Oh... and I think the bands bass player has a son your age, and he'll be on tour." My dad added. I nodded. "Well supper is ready anyways but to the looks of it you already ate." He said with a soft chuckle. I nodded and smacked my belly. He rolled his eyes and walked out. My dads pretty chill.

"VIIIICCCC WE HAVE TO PRACTICE WE ARE GOING ON TOUR!!" I shrieked while doing a dance. He rolled his eyes. "Ok I'll call ron and you'll call Chris ?" He said pulling out his phone. I nodded running and jumping on the couch. Huh I haven't talked to Lizzie rob and Chris for a long time. I called Chris and he answered after a few rings. "Hey bonch." He said with a smirky voice. "Well hello, you better get your ass over hear with your sticks because we are going ON TOUR!" I yelled into the phone. I could here man shrieks and I giggled. "Ok I'll be there in 5!" He said hanging up.

"Ok 5,6,7,8!
Blow the bridge to the past
Wipe the fingerprints
Melt your heart encased in wax
Seal it with a kiss
Our fate engraved
Scar enslaved
As we mutually destruct
Repose, my love, I've sinned enough for the both of us! "
Me and my brother sang me still playing bass. Thought me and my bro are the biggest classic rock fans we love motionless in white.

*after practice*

Oooof I can marry my bed. My soft black comforter and red fluffy pillows I'm in heaven. My dad just texted me all the details of the tour except the other band because that was a surprise. The tour starts in a week because that's when Xmas holidays starts and it only 4 weeks long. And me my brother Ron and Chris have to share the bus with the mystery band because palaye has there merch girl, Danny and his wife and some stage crew and the mystery band has 9 bunks and a couch so we can all fit.

*the next day*

"Ronald McDonald how nice to see you." I sang and hugged my perfect boy. "Hey babe." He said kissing my neck and hugging me. I blushed and let go. We were in school after all. "So what are you doing for the holidays?" I asked planning on telling him I'm not going to be here. "I'm going on a trip the whole break." He replied closing his locker. "Okay good because I am too." I said in relief. "Hmm where are you going." He said intertwining our hands and took pace down the hall. "It's a secret." I said with a smirk. I don't want to tell him about my parents because of who they are. The only reason Nikki knew was because I didn't think I'd ever see him again and he understood how it felt to have a famous dad. Not to get me wrong Ronnie is great, I just don't want to tell him quite yet.

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