Part 18 - slice and dice

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Stephanie's pov

Blood. The sticky crimson liquid trickles down my pale arm. This habit haunts me. I stopped for a long time but it seems some things never changed.

My salty tears drip onto the fresh cuts.
Pine. The smell consumed me, soon to realize Ronnie hugging me. Sniffles escape his mouth. He let's go and hold my shoulder, his face breaks me. It's sad and broken; wet with fresh tears. "What are you doing?" He said grabbing the blades from my hand. I feel guilty, I loook down and avoid eye contact. Pain consumes me and I'm itching for the blade. "ANSWER ME!" He sobs. "I'm sorry..." I said quietly tears drip from my eyes. I hurt him.

He holds me and strokes my hair. He stands up and grabs a towel and dampened it. He wiped the liquid off and found a bandage. He wrapped it around my wrists. "If you ever do that again or have the itch to do so tell me. Ok?" He asked giving me a broken smile. I nodded, and he embraced me in a warm pine filled hug.

I lay awake in Ronnie's arms tracing the one tattoo he has on his arm. It's a portrait of Marilyn Manson. It's really well done.

I can't sleep. The itch is strong but I can't I promised. I snuggled my head in his shoulder. "I love you." I whispered softly. "What?" He said eyes opening. Shit he heard me. "I Uh um..." I said scratching the back of my head. "You love me?" He said with a wide smile, I nodded and smiled. "I love you too." He said hugging me and snuggled the shit out of me. My eyes grew heavy, and in a flash of a light I was asleep.

"Oof." I said while I landed on the floor, which also woke me up. I tuned my sore head and looked around. Oh yeah we are on the bus. I stood up and looked in my bunk and Ronnie wasn't there which disappointed me a tiny bit. I grabbed my phone checking the time. We had to leave at 11 am to get to the venue by 10 am tomorrow. 9:36 the time popped up as. Huh shit I have to grab my stuff, from the hotel. I ran out to the living area and saw my clothes from last night and makeup wipes. Ronnie must've grabbed them for me. I blushed at the thought. Well I don't really have anything to do. The bus door swung open and everyone waltzed in, pjs hanging off their bodies and makeup smudged from corner to corner on there face. "Hey guys."
I said as Motionless,Ricky, and ghost made it to the living room. They waved and headed to each of their bunks. Lazy asses. I snickered as Lizzie carried rob onto the bus and dropped him on the couch beside me. Girl got muscles. "I'm going to bed." She states and headed to the bunks. What happened last night that made them so tired?. "Hey babe." Ronnie said kissing my lips and plopped down next to me. "Here." He said giving me a container. "I didn't want to wake you but we all went for breakfast so I got you something." He smile. "Thank you!" I said kissing him again and started opening the food he gave me. Scrambled eggs bacon toast and hash browns. "You know me so well." I said dreamily while looking at my food. "I do?" Ronnie said looking kinda confused, "not you idiot." I said turning to him then back to my food. "I meant my FOOD knows me so well." I said rolling my eyes. He rolled his pretty eyes and wrapped his arm around me as I laid my head on his shoulder. "Love you." He said adding a kiss to my forehead. "Love you too." I said shoving god into my mouth. He chuckled and played with my hair until he and I fell asleep, bacon strip hanging from my mouth. I'm so classy.

(I'm so sad that ghost from miw quit! He was my favourite, why does all my favourite members quit! First Angelo then ballz now ghost, staph doing this to me😭😭)

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