Chapter 26: Being Tamed

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The next day, I was outside at my secret sanctuary, in front of the waterfall. I splashed some water on my face and sighed. The deer that often visited me, Ginger, walked over to me and nudge the back of my shoulder.

"Hey, there, girl." I said. She stared at me as if asking, "What's wrong?"

"I'm okay. Just a bit... lost in thought." I said. I couldn't get what happened last night out of my head. "That damn Uchiha... I can't believe he humiliated me like that," I said, angrily. "I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind." 

I hurried back to the base and bumped into Zetsu. "There you are, Eita. Pein wants to speak with you." He said. I frowned and followed him to Pein's office. "You called for me?" I asked.

"I have an assignment for you," He said. "There's been someone spreading rumors about the whereabouts of the Akatsuki. Find him and kill him without being spotted."

"Fine. Is that all?"

"On this mission, you'll be partnered with Itachi."

"Yes, sir."

"Eita... Kill only the target."

"I got it."

Even though I was calm about it, I was screaming on the inside because I had to be partnered with Itachi. I left his office and walked down the hall. I spotted Itachi by the entrance, waiting for me. I frowned at him and walked past him, avoiding eye contact with him. 

It was a quiet walk as we headed to our destination. We came across a small town and the roads were busy. "How are we supposed to find our target like this?" I mumbled in frustration. "Leave that to me. Take off your eyepatch." Inari said. 

I did as she said and took off my eyepatch, allowing her to see. "I found him," Inari said, after examining the citizens. "He's just behind that building. The one in front of you." 

I gave a nod and jumped from rooftop to rooftop to get to the building as Itachi followed me. Once there, I looked over a ledge and found the target. "Is that him?" Itachi asked. "No, Sherlock. It's Tobi's imaginary friend." I said, sarcastically. 

He ignored my comment and looked around the area. "There's too many people around. We won't be able to eliminate him here." He informed.

"Who cares if there's people around? Let's just kill them along with the target." 

"But our leader told us to kill only the target."

"Who cares? I just wanna get this over with." 

I took out a few kunai knives and threw them at the citizens who were around. When they went down, the target got scared and started running away. "Like hell I'm gonna let you go that easy." I said, chasing after him by rooftop. 

I took out a kunai knife, jumped off the roof, and landed on the target while stabbing him in the neck. "Piece of cake." I mumbled. Blood got on my hand while some splattered on my clothes and cheek. I stood up while taking the knife out of the target and wiped off the blood that had gotten on my cheek. 

"Eita, you were supposed to kill only the target." Itachi said. "I got the job done, didn't I? Come on, let's go." I said, walking past him while leading us back to the Akatsuki base. 

Itachi's POV

Eita immediately headed to his room when we got back, so I headed to Pein's office to inform him the progress of the mission. "Well?" Pein asked. "The target is dead. However, a few citizens died during the process." I informed.

"And let me guess: Eita was the cause of the death of those citizens?" He asked. "Yes, sir." I answered. Pein sighed in irritation. 

"That boy is becoming more and more of a problem. He needs to be disciplined. I'd do it myself if Konan didn't value him so much. She can't even get mad at him because she feels guilty for taking him away from his little home." He said. 

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