|| e n t r y ||

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I felt the familiar buzz of my phone by my bedside table, and I fumbled around to get it. My eyes took a while to focus on the bright light illuminating my otherwise dark room as I attempted to decipher the text I'd just received, which was a hazy jumble of words in my disoriented mind.

Just broke up with Elaine. Need to talk. Meet me outside in five.

In a heartbeat, I dashed out of my door, my somnolent state no longer showing any traces. I felt like a bad person; any supportive best friend wouldn't feel a rush of happiness when they'd gotten to know that the person in question was currently possibly heartbroken. But then again, most best friends didn't have to deal with being in love with the other.

Andy Miller's familiar smile under the moonlight still made my heart skip a beat after all these years. His dimples that sank deep into his skin and his light eyes that gleamed mischievously never failed to make me stop in my tracks.

"Hey," I breathed, a slight drowsiness leaking into my voice. "I'm really sorry about what happened with Elaine," I whispered, sincerely.

"No, it's okay," he muttered. "I'm sorry for waking you up so early."

I shrugged, and the words were left unspoken. What are best friends for, after all? But that was all we were. Best friends.

"How do you want to spend the rest of your night?" I asked, nudging him slightly. "It's still young. I'm not going to let you cry over a girl now. I'm not really sleepy anymore, anyway."

In a flash, he was standing only inches away from me. My breath caught in my throat at the unexpected gesture. "Who said anything about crying, Brianna?" he asked, his voice suddenly dropping down a notch. My heart was hammering in my chest, and I was sure he could here it. "I broke up with her," he corrected. "Maybe that's because I hadn't realized she wasn't my type until it hit me straight in the face."

"Oh really?" I asked, my voice coming out a lot less confident than I'd hoped. "What is your type, then?" I challenged.

"Just this girl who's asking me an obviously stupid question when the answer is right in front of her," he answered coolly, and he bent down and kissed me.

A million memories flashed in front of my eyes. The two of us standing in an inflatable pool, laughing wildly. Playing hide-and-seek. Watching movies. Riding our bicycles and getting lost. Movie marathons. All building up to this incredible moment.

And it was so worth the wait.

"So," I said, calmly, pulling away, a smile tugging at the sides of my lips. "Where do you want to go, Miller?"

"Wherever the night takes us," he said, grinning at me. He then looked at the moon, glistening above us in the inky black sky.

And the two of us ran, hand in hand, towards the midnight sun.

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