I know what it means

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Hal's POV

It's been a week sense Barry and I have had that...moment. I had told Barry that Coraźon meant bro. And that ti amo was a word that means I care for you. I wasn't lying for the last one though. I let out a sigh as I rubbed my hands through my hair I parked my car in front of Barry's house. We've been hanging out even more than we usually do now and I love it. I opened up the door with a big smile. "You never do knock now do you?" Barry asked with a laugh as he placed lasagna on the table and took of his apron. I chuckled at this and sat down. "So what's for dinner?" I asked. Barry looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I'm so glad that you decided to invite yourself to my dinner." He said with a smile as he sat down. I put a pice of his food on the plate and took a bite. Barry rolled his eyes then looked at me like a child, "how does it taste?" He asked. I leaned back as I thought. "Hmmmmmmm...it taste like...THE MOST AMAZING THING ON THIS WORLD!!!" I said standing up. Barry almost fell back in his chair cause of my sudden reaction. I laughed as he glared at me with a dark glare that made me sit back down. "It does taste really good though." I said between bites. Barry looked at me with a smile "thanks..it's my moms recipe. " he said eating it himself.

"Hey, so you'll never believe what I found out today. " Barry said with a playful glare. "What?" I asked putting my hands behind my head. "Long story short, I got a Spanish book.....ti amo." Barry said with a huge smile. I fell back of my chair. My head hitting the ground with a loud thud. Barry ran over to me in a second as he looked down at me. "Ti amo...I have for a long time. " Barry whispered as he tilted his head at me as he asked "did you mean it?"

I laughed as I sat up. "Ti amo mi coraźon." I said as I quickly stood up and placed my hand on Barry's back as I leaned him downward. Barry looked into my eyes and then placed his lips onto mine. I was surprised but then quickly melted into the kiss. When it ended I looked at Barry and asked "you got a whole book just to see what it meant?" Barry smiled as he stood up. "No, I actually just googled it." I smiled as him and took his hand. "Does this mean that we're a thing?" I asked feeling my heart speed up at the thought of calling Barry mine.

"Yeso." Barry said in what I think he thought was Spanish. I laughed "you mean si?" I asked. Barry tilted his head to the left a little. "Yeso?" He said looking proud. I laughed again as I looked up to see him laughing to.

He is mine....he's actually my boyfriend....

I need to teach him some Spanish though...

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