Chapter 32

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~+Tord's P.O.V+~

"That. Was. Amazing," Edd said as we walked out of the theater, heading toward his car.

"It really was. I'm sorry for doubting you, Edd," I replied. It really was amazing. Well, maybe amazing wasn't the right word. It was more.. Inspiring. Emotional.. Either way, I could see why Edd wanted to see it.

"It's fine. I'm just glad I got to see it with you!"

I smiled and nodded, opening the car door for Edd. He thanked me and sat down in the driver's seat while I walked to the other side and got in the car myself. It was pretty late, but I could sleep in tomorrow, so it wasn't too big of a deal to me. Edd started up the car and started driving us back home. 

The ride home wasn't too interesting, though. It was just a drive down the streets of the still busy and bright city. So it wasn't too much out of the normal. Just a few buildings with blinding lights.. Teenagers walking into suspicious alleyways. As I said, normal night stuff.
But before I knew it, we were back at campus again.

There were a few people out in front of the school, as always. The school offered extra curricular classes that were normally later at night or after school ended. Everyone's normal classes were so jammed together, but people had told me that the extra curricular classes were actually a lot more chill and calm. I almost wished my I had signed myself up for some. But it gave me a bit more free time that I wouldn't have with those classes.

"Are you ready for our date tomorrow, Tord?" Edd asked I unlocked the door to our dorm and stepped inside.

Shit! I'forgot! I still needed to get an outfit! I silently thought, mentally slapping myself across the face. Instead of being an honest person, I lied and just said that I was ready for the date tomorrow.

"Good. Because I'm just glad I can say we're officially dating!" Edd replied, excited. 

I smiled and replied, "You know, since you're the taller one, you'd think that I'd be the sensitive and weak one and you'd be the strong one who picks me up all the time and carries me home whenever I trip and make a huge scene about falling."

"And your point is?"

"Could you even pick me up if you tried?"

"Yes. But there's an eighty percent chance of dropping you unless it's an existential crisis where you get into a fight with Tom."

I stood in front of Edd and looked up at him, "Pick me up." Edd just looked at me with a confused look  that said, "Why the hell would I do that?"

"I want to see what it's like being the weak boyfriend who can't do shit," I replied, grinning. Edd's face went slightly red and he laughed.

"If you insist~" He grinned, bending down. My world flipped upside-down as I was lifted off the ground by my feet. An odd squeaking noise escaped my mouth as I heard Edd laughing. It wasn't the fact that I was being carried off the ground that scared me, it was the thought that Edd was carrying me and could drop me at literally any second. Although after about half a minute of me dangling upside-down a few inches from the floor, Edd walked up to my bed, setting me down and smiling. I swear, being carried by him made me about as scared as having a gun held to my head.

"See! I didn't drop you," He said.

"But you could've," I retorted, crossing my arms.

"Why does your hair puff up when you get angr-"

"Shut the fuck up," I grunted, looking away, pouting

Edd gently slapped me across the face. "Watch your language! You're grounded!"

"I didn't swear! You swore!" I yelled, trying to fight back the urge to smile.

"I didn't fucking swear!"

"You just did!" I yelled again, smiling

Edd just giggled and pulled me into a kiss, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me off the bed. We both started literally hugging the life out of each other, and ended up cuddling on the couch with our pets while watching Netflix. It was perfect.

The End

... I wish it could've just ended there..


Only like 3 or 4 more chapters.

You'll see if I chose a happy ending or sad ending once we get to the last chapter ;)

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