3 moons later (now she is four moons old)

Berrykit woke up to the bright green-leaf sun shining in her face. She sat up and stretched, her tiny claws scraping the stone ground. Birdsong was heard as Berrykit stepped out of the nursery. Warriors where scrambling everywhere to get ready for a storm. Whitebreeze, Ice clans medcine cat had supposedly had a dream of a great thunderstorm. All the other kits seemed a little freaked out but Berrykit was excited. She had never heard or seen a storm before, or even smelt one. Berrykit trotted through the camp, making her way to the elders den. She barley had time to scramble out of the way as a lumbering brown tabby paw almost crushed her. The tom looked down. "Oh sorry Berrykit." It was Bramblepaw, a new apprentice of Ice clan. "It's ok." She mewed back up to him as she carried on toward the small mud den.

Berrykit poked her black and brown fluffy head in the dark den. "Anyone here?" She asked, until finally her eyes adjusted to the dark. Three old looking cats lay in their own moss bed. There was Silverpatch, an all gray long furred she-cat, the oldest elder of Ice clan. Shadowface, a skinny gray tom with a black face, and Blackscar. Blackscar was personally, Berrykits favorite because he was funny and the youngest elder. He could still be fighting if it wasn't for the nasty scar that made one of his eyes half way close. "Ahh Berrykit!" Silverpatch purred. Secretly Berrykit thought she was the favorite out of all the cats but she wasn't sure. "Come in, come in!" Shadowface called. He didn't speak much and Berrykit was surprised he had spoken to her. She gingerly walked in and settled down beside Blackscar. Blackscar had long pitch black fur and orange eyes and of course the pink scar that ran diagonal starting at his left ear to his right cheekbone. "Can you tell me how Ice clan got its name?" Berrykit mewed. She never fully understood why Ice clan was called, Ice clan.

"Well you see," he started. "Moons ago, even before my time a kitty-pet named Ice was a beautiful white long haired she-cat with blue eyes. She ran away from her twolegs and lived in the forest for sometime. It was extremely cold that leaf-bare but she had had her long fur to protect her. One day she met this gray tabby and they had three kits. An orange tabby, a dark gray tabby, and a white long haired kit. Soon loners and kitty-pets joined their clan and ironically most of them were either tabby's or long furred cats. That's why most of us have long fur, to keep out the cold plus the clans name was named after their first leader, Ice. Ice was said to have died of sickness so her mate took over and so on."

Berrykit nodded. "Oh but what about the other three clans?" There was Dawnclan, Whisperclan, and Pineclan living in the forest. Blackscar shook his head. "No idea about them!" Berrykit got up and stretched, said farewell to the elders, and headed out into camp. Berrykit looked up at the darkening sky, her tortoiseshell fur becoming darker without the suns rays casting down upon it. Apprentices scattered here and there, barricading the elders entrance with some heavy branches. Only small holes were visible for cats to squeeze through on the elders den and the nursery. Ice clans camp was located out in the open, the nursery being a huge hollowed our rock, the warriors and apprentices den being made out of dried packed up mud, and the elders den was also packed up mud. The leaders den was just a small jagged rock that stuck out of the ground so the leader slept underneath it, no shelter what so ever.

Honeykit trotted over to Berrykit, her golden long fur shuffling as she went. "Hi Honeykit!" Berrykit mewed. Berrykit had learned to warm up to her sister, not being so jealous anymore.
"Hi Berrykit, what where you doing?"
"Visiting the elders."
"Ugh such a bore!" Honeykit rolled her hazel eyes. Berrykit stood up and bristled a little in defense. "Hey they aren't a bore you could learn something from them!" She hissed and stalked off. Honeykit looked quit surprised by her sisters sudden change in attitude. "Sor-ry." She muttered and took off toward who knows where.

Berrykit was walking when something hit her nose. Berrykit flinched a little in surprise. She crossed her eyes but nothing was there but she felt something. It was cold and wet! Then more started falling. It made her all wet in no time and Berrykit was soon soaked to the bone. Warriors and apprentices rushed by her, seeming oblivious to the small kit until someone grabbed her scruff. "Ahhh!" She squealed in surprise and tried to turn her head around but couldn't see. The rain became more fierce, starting to prick Beerrykits patterned fur. "Ow!" Berrykit protested but she finally spotted the nursery in view. Thunder clapped and made Berrykit flinch but she seemed very calm for some reason. "Stay in here!" The cat that had picked her up had now dropped her and Berrykit barley had time to see who it was before it took off again. A black figure was racing off. It was a she-cat and she had short fur and long legs. The cat seemed to have sparkles in her fur as she raced off into the storm. It was becoming foggy and Berrykit couldn't put a paw on who the cat was. As far as she had known there was no black short-haired she-cats in Ice clan now.

"Oh there you are!" A voice screeched and started liking her. It was her mother. "Yeah I'm ok but who was that black she-" suddenly thunder clapped and a huge crack was heard above the storm. Berrykit looked out in horror as a huge oak tree fell right in the middle of camp, crushing the apprentices den.

Miracles do Happen ~ A Warrior cat story ~ {BEING REWRITTEN!}Where stories live. Discover now