Cats silently started walking out of dens. Berrykit saw a glimpse of the apprentice den. It was crushed, the mud walls caved in and the heavy branches barricading the entrance fell inward. Silence was the only thing heard as a figure started slowly crawling out of the debris. It was a tom, a brown tabby. Bramblepaw! Bramblepaw coughed as a Warrior rushed over to help pull him out of the pile. He had cuts all over his pelt but no serious damage. He looked back at the once-was apprentice den then he started to morn. "Darkpaw!" He morned over his dead sister. Another apprentice slowly made her way out, this time dragging someone along with her. This she-cat was a long haired white cat with green eyes. She had a huge slash across her back and bits of her fur was missing, revealing pink and her paws were caked with blood as she pulled the limp, lifeless body of Darkpaw out of the debris.

The dead tabby lay there, orange eyes half open. Bramblepaw touched her side lightly but to find to breath. The leader walked up to Bramblepaw and lay his tail over the apprentices shoulder. The leader was a slender black long haired tom with a white underbelly and paws with vivid dark blue eyes, Swiftstar. "I'm sorry." He murmured to the apprentice. Next was Bramblepaws mentor, Snowwing. He was a white tom with short fur and gray eyes (due to genetical defect.) and last was Bramblepaws father, Tigerblaze who looked exactly like Bramblepaw. Berrykit watched in horror and grief and looked up at the sky. It was turning light again.

By sun-down Swiftstar had called a clan meeting and Berrykit and Honeykit made their way out with the three other kits, Russetkit, Goldenkit, and Jaykit. "As we all know what has happened today was a tragic event!" Swiftstar started, sitting upon the jagged rock that stuck out the ground. "But we'll have to look past that, even though we had lost an apprentice," Bramblepaw looked down at his tabby paws. "New apprentice's shall be born!" He said this with great strength that Berrykit was surprised and it looked like her mother was also. Was he really suggesting us becoming apprentice now? Only four moons old? Berrykit thought as her green eyes glowed with anticipation. "Kits will you please step up here!" He called.  Berrykit was first, knocking Honeykit out of the way in the process. "Berrykit," Berrykit liked her fur down a little. The evening glow set a good mood on the clan for now. "It is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Berrypaw. Your mentor will be Spiderfur." A sleek medium furred black she-cat stood up, her orange eyes glowing. "I hope Spiderfur will pass down all she knows on to." Spiderfur gradually walks up the Jagged Peak. Swiftstar started again. "Spiderfur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Tornwing, and you have shown yourself to be gentle and trustworthy. You will be the mentor of Berrypaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Berrypaw." Berrypaw gingerly touched noses with Spiderfur and waited for the ceremony to be done then the clan chanted their names. "Berrypaw, Honeypaw, Russetpaw, Goldenpaw, Jaypaw!"

Berrypaw ran over to Spiderfur, ready to start training. "Woah tiger." She purred and looked down at the tortoiseshell fluff ball. "I think we'd better help the rest of the clan clean up first! Berrypaw huffed and flattened her ears then pricked them back up. "Why don't you go help Russetpaw over there? He seems to be having a bit of trouble." Berrypaw turned to see Russetpaw trying to push a branch that was blocking the exit to the once-was apprentice den. Clearly a cat couldn't move it by himself. You mouse-brain! Berrypaw thought as she made her way over to the red tabby. Berrypaw stood there for a second, cocking her head to one side. "You need any help?" Berrypaw asked then didn't wait for an answer. She sailed across the branch in one giant leap and started pushing. It cracked and broke as it became lose between the entrance. Finally the branch was lodged free and Russetpaw fell onto his side, heaving. "Hehe you thought you could move that by yourself?" Berrypaws playful mew came from behind him. Russetpaw sat up and nudged Berrypaw slightly with his shoulder. "Well I didn't need help from a she-cat. He laughed and stood up. He had bright green eyes and a pelt that seemed to shine. Berrypaws fur was caked in mud and rain so she ran off to clean herself.

Russetpaw watched her go and he thought to his self. She's a great friend! Before turning around and helping a Warrior. Spiderfur sighed and had watched Russetpaw and Berrypaw with happiness. Spiderfur turned when she felt a nudge on her shoulder. It was Grayheart. He had a slate gray long-haired coat with dark green eyes and a flower in his mouth. Spiderfur purred and leaned against Grayheart. Berrypaw padded back into the clearing to see most of the debris cleared away. She was just in time to see the elders standing by the entrance to the camp, waiting to go bury Darkpaw. Berrypaw did feel extremely bad and she noticed Bramblepaw was mopping around, sorrow filled his eyes. It was almost completely silverpelt now and most Warriors where settling in, the night patrol getting ready to leave. The apprentices had to make their own little shelter for the night so Berrypaw picked a small hollowed out hole in the ground and cuddled up beside Russetpaw.

Miracles do Happen ~ A Warrior cat story ~ {BEING REWRITTEN!}Where stories live. Discover now