Grayheart silently stalked through the thick undergrowth. The hot sun was beating down on Grayhearts dark gray pelt and his long fur was quickly shedding. I can't believe Swiftstar would do that! He thought as he made his way deeper into the forest. Grayheart didn't know were he was going but he was going somewhere. Twigs snapped and leaves rustled as the tom rested beneath a shady tree. "Gr-Grayheart?" A voice asked from beside him. Grayheart swirled around, ready for a fight but instead a light gray tabby she-cat walked out from a bush. "Oh it's only you Brook..." Grayheart sat down, cleaning his fur. "Shouldn't you be Ice Clan?" Brook asked, her dark river blue eyes piercing into Grayhearts. Grayheart looked up from the muddy forest floor. "NO, I do not live in Ice clan no more....I. Am. A. Rouge!" He said the last part loudly, his claws gripping the ground. "You mean....?" Brook excitedly asked. "You're coming back to us Grayheart?" Grayheart stood up, puffing out his chest. "I am not Grayheart no more, call me Stone." Brook purred as the two walked back out into the dark forest.


"Berrypaw!" Whitebreeze called to his apprentice. The tortoiseshell padded over to her mentor, dragging her back right leg. The red dry blood was washed off and now was like a nasty pink stump. "Yes?" She asked gloomily. She did not want to be a medicine cat but what other choice did she have? "Can you sort these herbs for me while I go find some catnip?" Berrypaw nodded and sat down, grabbing the herbs in her mouth and putting them in a pile. "Hey..." Another cat mewed from the den entrance. Berrypaw turned around to see Russetpaw. "Oh hi!" Berrypaw cheered with fake enthusiasm. Russetpaw limped inside. His left shoulder now had a small scar on it, causing him to limp slightly. "You don't have to be like that!" Russetpaw mewed, sitting beside Berrypaw. "Well when you just almost lost your foot, you almost died, and Swiftstar is going nuts what do you except me to do?" Berrypaw retorted. "Sorry!" Russetpaw flinched.

"Oh there you are Russetpaw!" A medium furred black tom mewed, stepping in from outside. "What is it Adderslip?" Russetpaw asked, turning around. "Swiftstar sent me as your new mentor." He meowed. Russetpaw nodded and said farewell to Berrypaw and went to train with Adderslip. Another cat came in, this time Honeypaw. "I'm sorry about your leg." She started. Berrypaw looked at her. "It's ok, I mean..." Berrypaw didn't know what she meant. Honeypaws soft green eyes rested on her sister and she sat beside Berrypaw. Sun-down was near and it was becoming cooler so Berrypaw stuck her muzzle out the den. Whitebreeze should be back by now! Berrypaw thought. She turned around to see Honeypaw with a red berry by her paws. "No no no!" Berrypaw screeched and batted the red berry from Honeypaw. "What's wrong?" Honeypaw jumped back, surprised at Berrypaws fear. "Those are death berries? You could have died if you had eaten one!" Berrypaw yowled. At that moment Whitebreeze came back, a bundle of herbs in his mouth. "Sorry Berrypaw I went to go find other herbs while I was at it." Whitebreeze dropped the bundle of other herbs. "It is ok." Berrypaw mewed to the white tom. Whitebreeze stared at the berry. "Wha- what is that doing here?" Whitebreeze was very strict on keeping unwanted herbs out of camp. "Ugh I-" Honeypaw started then Berrypaw interrupted. "It was a mistake, I accidentally must have brought it when I went to fetch some poppy seeds." Whitebreeze eyed both of them then turned to his herb pile. It was neatly organized and the herbs were put into the right place. "Very good Berrypaw!"

Berrypaw lay down to rest after kicking Honeypaw out of the Medicine den. She was exhausted and thought of the days events. I can't believe what happened and Swiftstar must be devastated. She thought, remembering in two days the moon gathering would be held at high stones. Berrypaw lay her head down onto the hard ground and closed her eyes, feeling Whitebreeze slowly breath up and down beside her.


Stone sat upon a huge boulder, his fierce eyes scanning the small opening. About 17 cats gathered around him. "Rouges and loners of the forest!" He yowled over the cats chattering. Eyes fell upon him, differently colored cats sat below him. "Your leader is back!" He called. Stone had missed his real home and wished his father, the past leader, was still alive to see him defeat Ice clan, especially Swiftstar. "We will attack Ice clan at next sun-down when the gathering will start!" A few cats cheered with 'hoorays'. Brook shifted uncomfortably. She didn't like the way her brother was acting. I did not know having Stone back into the group would make us give battle. Brook thought as she sat below her brother. She was made the "deputy" of the group. "But Stone....why should we attack Swiftstar?" A voice rang above the crowd. "Because he chased your father out of Ice clan and killed him when he became a rouge!" Brook looked down at her paws. "But in his defense, our father did kill Willowstar....his mate." All the cats turned their gazes to her, even Stone. "Willowstar had to die!" Brook hissed and shot up at her brother. "And why was that? Was it because Swiftstar stole Willowstars heart instead of him? That's why our father found a loner and became mates with her then our mother  gives us to our father, he tries to take us to the clan then he gets killed, leaving you to live in the camp and me to thrive on my own?" Stone was taken back. "Why would our father kill the first one he ever loved? Or was it because she was mates with our fathers brother and not him?" Brook seethed. Stone started slowly. "Our father....Raggedpelt loved Willowstar, Willowbreeze the deputy at the time....then his littermate, who was Swiftfur at that time took her and they became mates, leaving Raggedpelt heart broken until Willowbreeze became leader, he killed Willowstar in revenge for being his mate then Swiftfur exiled Raggedpelt and Raaggedpelt and a loner had us then he gets killed by Swiftstar because he tried to give his two kits, us Brook to Ice clan and Swiftstar would only except one of us so they got into a fight and Raggedpelt lost..." Stone explained slowly, fire burning in his voice. Brook slowly stepped back and shot out into the woods to warn Ice clan. "Go get her!" Stone hissed to two tabby toms and they started to run after her.

Miracles do Happen ~ A Warrior cat story ~ {BEING REWRITTEN!}Where stories live. Discover now