"Hey you Ok?" A voice came from behind Berrypaw. "No, I was a mouse brain to go over to those bushes!" Russetpaw sat beside Berrypaw, his warm eyes settling onto Berrypaw. "You know, miracles do happen..." he trailed off. Berrypaw shook her head. "No, I am destined for this even though Starclan tells me different!" Russetpaw looked confused and cocked his head to one side. "Starclan told you different? You- you talked to them?" Berrypaw looked up surprised. "Well yeah but I thought every cat had had a dream from Star Clan!" Russetpaw shook his head. "Hey you two!" A voice came from behind them. A tall tabby hissed at them. Berrypaw guessed he was from Pine clan, noting his bulky build but slim legs. "You're on our territory!" Another voice dame from behind the tom this time a silver she-cat with blue eyes. They growled and hissed at the two apprentices. Russetpaw stood up. "Hey look we're sorry we didn't know this was your territory!" The tom spoke once again. "How good does Ice clan train you when you can't even scent the border!" Berrypaw also stood up, trying to hide her injured leg.

The silver she-cat noticed Berrypaws injury and whispered something to the tom. The tom sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine we'll let you off the claw this timeout we better not see you over here again or Ice clan will have two less apprentices to worry about!" The tom hissed and talked off with the silver she-cat giving an apologetic look. "I'm sorry." Berrypaw muttered as she walked along with Russetpaw back to camp. "No it is OK." Russetpaw purred. Spiderfur came up to them, furious. "Why did you leave and get caught in a trap?" She hissed. Russetpaw was about to say something but Berrypaw stepped in. "It's not my fault you weren't paying attention and giiving your sweet mate some sweet kissies!" Berrypaw dramatically hissed. Russetpaw chuckled. Grayheart came out from the Warriors den. He protectively stepped in front of Spiderfur. "Don't you talk to her like that!" Suddenly Grayheart hissed and slashed at Berrypaw. Berrypaw dodged it and bit his paw, making him howl in pain. Other Warriors we're slowly gathering around as the fight was happening.

Grayheart tackled Berrypaw, making her lose balance and that's when Russetpaw stepped in. He hissed furiously and attacked Grayheart. Claws and teeth slashing at flesh. Berrypaw backed out of the way and stared straight at Spiderfur. "He's always been bloodthirsty! His father is the rouge that killed Willowstar!" Berrypaw hissed at Spiderfur. It was true, Grayhearts father was the rouge who killed Willowstar, making Swiftfur step in as leader, Swiftstar. The elders had told her this story and it was defiantly true. Grayheart pinned Russetpaw down. Berrypaw whirled around to see Russetpaw laying there, blood gushing from his wounds. Berrypaw suddenly felt powerful, and Warriors had watched as she lifted up her injuered leg and ran on it! Adrenaline pulsed through her as she flew onto Grayhearts back, catching him off guard. "If. You. Ever. Touch him again it will be. Your. Last!" Berrypaw hissed into Grayhearts ear until Swiftstar ran over and pulled Berrypaw off of Grayheart. Her injured leg went back to being limp and unmovable. "What is the meaning of this?" He seethed. "He was going to kill Russetpaw!" Berrypaw yowled. A few Warriors stepped up in agreement. Grayheart stood up, gashes all over his body. Swiftstar looked up at Grayheart. "Your father," he started. "He was my brother, the rouge that killed my mate! And now you are trying to kill my apprentices?" He seethed, his claws gripping the lose mud. Berrypaw stared in Aww. Swiftstar was Grayhearts fathers littermate?

"My- Willow star was carrying my kits when your father killed her and now he's going to pay by watching you slowly die!" Berrypaw also knew that Grayhearts father was killed by a monster and now he would watch as his son got slaughtered from the Dark Forest! Swiftstar slowly walked up to Grayheart and pushed him to the ground. Grayheart went limp and Swiftstar loaned his grip for a moment. Grayheart suddenly flashed open his dark blue eyes and kicked Swiftstar off of him and quickly took off into the forest. Swiftstar lay there, wounded and out of breath. The deputy, Shadeleap a pretty dark gray she-cat with black paws and ears slowly walked up to him. "I'm fine..." Swiftstar muttered and stood up, shaking his blood stained pelt off. "If any of you," he looked sprung the gathering of cats. "See Grayheart you are to attack him at once!" Swiftstar took off into his den. Berrypaw stood there watching, Russetpaw by her side. Berrypaw watched as Honeypaw, her dear littermate walked right out of camp, probably to hunt. Berrypaw hung her head as it started raining.

Miracles do Happen ~ A Warrior cat story ~ {BEING REWRITTEN!}Where stories live. Discover now