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"Jiminie, wake up," Yoongi was waking him up, still sitting behind the driving wheel.

"Wh-what? What's happening? I'm not sleeping..."

Jimin woke up shocked and totally confused. Then he looked at Yoongi.

"We're already here?"

Jimin asked Yoongi, and he was just looking at him and smiling.

"Yes and it's time to get out. We have to check in."

"Alright then."

Said still sleepily Jimin and he untied himself from the seat. Yoongi did so and they got out of the car and moved their way to the trunk. They opened it and Yoongi suddenly gave Jimin unexpected kiss on a cheek. Jimin stiffened and started to blush so much. He didn't expect it, furthermore he just woken up totally.
Yoongi wasn't waiting longer and started to take out their bags of the trunk and putting them in front of stairs of the hotel. Jimin was still just standing in front of car trunk and looking at the ground with red cheeks.

"Y-Yoongi, don't do this to me..."

Murmured Jimin when Yoongi came back for next baggage. He looked at Jimin and said with smirk:
"I couldn't help myself... You're so sweet like this~"

Jimin was blushing even more and more, but he decided to help him with the bags. They took out 4 big bags in total, full with their clothes, but one was for some souvenirs.
Jimin with Yoongi made together a trip to Japan, to Tokyo and they want to make here a nice weekend. And buying souvenirs for boys and families.
Yoongi locked car and a trunk and with last bags they went to the hotel.
It was really noble hotel.
They made their way to the reception. Meanwhile Yoongi was getting informations about their room, Jimin moved away, because he saw a black cat with white chest sitting on a round table in the middle of the hall. 'What? They have here a cat? In the hall?' He was thinking to himself with a confused expression on his face and he came to the cat. He put the bags under the table and his confused expression changed to happy expression. Jimin was petting the cat, she was cuddling with him and then he noticed her collar where was her name.

"J-Jimin? It has a same name...? Maybe just a coincidence..."

He was confused again. He had just a mess in his head right now. But suddenly someone's hug from behind cut out him from his thoughts. He recognized Yoongi's hands.

"Aw, you finally met him. Jiminie, I named him after you. Yes," whispered Yoongi into his ear. Jimin was gently holding his hands and still didn't understand it.

"But how and when, and why...?"

"It's simply. One my friend was offering me a kitten, so I said yes and took it from her. But since we all are still away from the dorm, it wouldn't be able to stay there. So I got that idea I could ask the boss here if he wants a little gift here. Yes, I know, it sounds weird, but he accepted, but I had to take here someone who would take a good care of a kitten. So I asked another one of my friends and she has a job now. She's taking the best care about Jimin and I named him after you, because he's just as beloved and beautiful as you are. But you are more."

Finished Yoongi the whole story about little Jimin and he added with a smirk:
"She's taking a really good care about him as I will about you this weekend."

And then Yoongi gave him a sweet kiss on a neck and again took their bags in hands. Jimin wasn't able to say a word. It was so nice of him...

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