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"I'm so glad you showed me how you feel when I fuck you~ It felt amazing."

"Awe... That was my pleasure to pleasure you as you do to me, Yoongie~"

Then they french kissed and since it was now a midnight, they both fell asleep.

It was a morning now.

"Good morning, Jimin~"
Yoongi softly said with his morning husky voice.

"Morning, my love. How did you sleep?"
Jimin raised his head from Yoongi's chest and smiled at him.

"Mmm. Really, really, really good~"

Said Yoongi and cuddled Jimin more. Jimin was between Yoongi's tight hug and Yoongi gave him a big kiss into hair. Jimin just smiled and kissed his neck softly.

They were lying in bed for a few next tens of minutes. Then Yoongi turned and looked at the clock. It was 11am.

"Damn. We missed the breakfast..."
Murmured Yoongi and borrowed his face into Jimin's hair.

"It's okay. On breakfast we can't cuddle in bed, you know. This is much better. And we can buy some food somewhere in the town."
Said Jimin to raise Yoongi's mood a bit more up.

"That's true. So when do you want to go eat? Today I will let all decides on you Jiminie~"

"Awww, alright Yoongie, thank you~
So we could go eat in 2 hours? I want to stay in bed with you for a bit longer... ~

Yoongi didn't say a thing and just tightened his grip.

"Come here, my love.. "
Yoongi placed his fingers on his chin to turn Jimin's head to face him.
Yoongi kissed him softly, but Jimin made from it very passionate kiss with tongues.
Jimin started to touch Yoongi's body everywhere. And so did Yoongi to Jimin.

Suddenly they've heard some scratches on the door.
They stopped kissing, but stood in the hug and turned their faces to the door.
"I'll go there."
Said Jimin amd stood up from the bed.
Yoongi had a chance to see Jimin's beautiful butt and muscular legs from the back. He just smiled and bit his lip.

Jimin opened the door and didn't see anybody there. He looked down.

"Aww, Jimin! What are you doing here? Come here."

The little cat Jimin visits to see the boys.
Jimin took Jimin to the bed to Yoongi and placed him between them.
Little Jimin was cuddling with them for a while and then he layed on the sheets and sleep between them.

"Ah, Jimin?"

"Yes, love?"

"You know... Is it me or that cat fur is so soft and it's so comfortable when I feel it on my chest? Or I'm just saying nonsenses..."

"No Yoongie! I can tell that fur is really comfortable, but you know what's more comfortable than this?"

"What, Jiminie~"

"My lips kissing your chest~"
Said in husky voice Jimin into Yoongi's ear.

"Ah Jimin! Don't talk like this now... But now you have something to do for me~"

"My pleasure~"

Jimin pulled Yoongi a bit away from the cat and Jimin was on him.
He started to kiss Yoongi's chest, nipples, belly and then he got back to Yoongi's neck. He left everywhere many red hickeys and then bit Yoongi's ear. After, he licked it.
He saw Yoongi's cheeks are a bit  blushing, so he took his face in his hands and kissed his lips so passionately and softly.

Then they pulled away and Jimin looked into Yoongi's eyes so deeply.

"I love you so much, Yoongi~"

"I love you too, Jimin~"

Then they kissed again.
After that they were lying with little Jimin in the bed and watching together television.

Jimin? You got no pants (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now