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Yoongi put his hands on Jimin shoulders and he kissed his neck from one side. He made there another hickeys and then bit Jimin's ear. Very gently.
Jimin quietly moaned.
"Mmm, that's my good boy... Let's continue your training. You're prepared now."

Yoongi led Jimin back to the bed by his shoulders and let Jimin lay on the bed on his back.
Then Yoongi opened a lubricant and put it on his penis and Jimin's ass hole. Now he saw Jimin gulped, because he realized what's Yoongi going to do next.
Yoongi was kneeling between Jimin's legs and touching his thights.

He got to his crotch and catched Jimin's penis. He started to stroke it up and down.
Jimin was already moaning, because of feeling he can't see, but just feel.

oongi licked the top and then fastened his pace.
Jimin was moaning loudly and feeling he will cum soon.
But Yoongi suddenly stopped his moves and let Jimin horny as fuck.

"Yoongi! Are you kidding me?! Just finish your job!"

Jimin couldn't help himself and screamed at Yoongi.

"Didn't I tell you that you're allowed only to moan? You disobeyed my order. I guess i have to give you a little punishment for opening your mouth like this."

Yoongi even didn't feel bad for Jimin, but he knew he has to be more harder on Jimin to teach him a good behavior.
Yoongi went to his drawer next to the bed and took from there handcuffs.
Immediately he took Jimin's wrists and put handcuffs on them and locked them.

"You better let your mouth shut exept for moaning. Or you're gonna get another punishment. But I won't be gentle anymore.
Do you understand, Jiminie?
If yes, just nod your head."

Yoongi wanted to make Jimin sure about his rules and Jimin accepted them so he was quiet now and waiting for his punishment.
Yoongi quickly put Jimin's legs on his shoulders and he rapidly pushed his penis into Jimin's butt.


Jimin bit his lip and trying to get used into that pain.
But before the pain was away, Yoongi started to move.
He was holding Jimin hips and moving them too.

"Ah, it feels so gooooddd~"

Yoongi moaned and fastened a little bit.
Jimin was a moaning mess, because Yoongi let him horny and now Jimin was closer to reaching his climax.

"I am... C-close..."

"Hold it for a minute, Jimin..."

Jimin was biting his lip so hard that suddenly he felt a blood in his mouth.
But he let it be and he couldn't hold it anymore and he cummed on his belly. And so Yoongi does too into his butt. They both moaned so loudly.

When Yoongi took out his penis and looked at Jimin, he noticed that blood on his lips. He immediately layed next to Jimin and put his head on his chest to feel sorry for him now.
"Aww, sorry baby, I didn't mean you will hurt yourself like this..."

"It's okay, Yoongie, I don't mind it. I only care about you and I still feel needy, you know..."

Jimin? You got no pants (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now