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"Aah..." Jimin threw his head back and quietly moaned when he felt Yoongi's big hand on his penis.
"Finally! You took a long time... It needs a harder training."

Yoongi looked at him and winked one eye. Jimin was naked from head to toes and Yoongi still had his shorts on.
Yoongi slid his stare from Jimin's eyes, lips, chest, belly and stopped at Jimin's hard penis.
Yoongi looked back into Jimin's eyes, smiled and catched his penis into one hand. He was just holding it and keep looking into his eyes deeply. Jimin was blushing again.

'He's damn hot...' Yoongi thought to himself and then he decided to train Jimin.
Yoongi opened his mouth and took Jimin's penis into his mouth.
Yoongi was doing him with his mouth, tongue, hand, even teeth and meanwhile was sometimes looking straight into Jimin's eyes.
Jimin was just slightly moaning, looking down at Yoongi and throwing back his head.

"Ahh... Y-Yoon-gi...aah..."

Jimin was moaning now louder and holding Yoongi's hair.
He felt how Yoongi created his lips into smile around Jimin's penis and fasten his moves up and down.
It didn't take so long and Jimin was starting to feel that famous feeling.

" Yoongi... Ah... I Will..."

Jimin even couldn't finish his sentence and he cummed into Yoongi's mouth.
Jimin was breathing fastly as he just finished some race. He looked at Yoongi between his legs and immediately looked away.
Yoongi was just lying there and Jimin's sperm was dropping down from his lips. And he was smiling.

'God! He's a fuckin pervert!
...He's my Yoongie'
Jimin though to himself, but then he looked back at Yoongi and smiled at him too.

"Don't you wanna share with me?"
Jimin suggest.

Normally he wouldn't say that, but he knows that Yoongi likes to share with him many times, so he said to myself he could make Yoongi happy with this question.

Yoongi went on his four and stayed like this over Jimin's body. Jimin reached his lips on Yoongi's and then started to kiss. Jimin's white liquid was sliding from their mouths and dropping on Jimin's chest.
After a while Yoongi softly pulled away from him and again lopked into his eyes (he kinda likes Jimin's eyes).

"So how do you taste, Jiminie?"

Jimin was watching Yoongi like nothing exept him was in this world. Yoongi passionately and slowly licked remains of Jimin's sperm around his lips and then looked at Jimin too.

"In my opinion you taste better than times before..."

Jimin? You got no pants (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now