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They laughed a little and then Jimin started to slowly push himself inside Yoongi.
Yoongi threw his head on one side and bit his lip.
When Jimin pushed himself fully inside, they both moaned. Yoongi from a pain and Jimin from how tight Yoongi is.

Yoongi catched Jimin's shoulders and closed tightly his eyes.
Jimin gave a gentle kiss on Yoongi's red cheeks to show him he loves him now even more.
And then Jimin started slowly moving.
They both were moaning and Yoongi even louder than Jimin.
'I guess i found his next sweet spot' Jimin smirked for himself.

"Ah Jimin...m-more... "

He heard Yoongi moan from pleasure and he did what Yoongi wished.
Jimin was thrusting into Yoongi faster and a bit harder.
Yoongi digged his nails into Jimin's shoulders that deep, that Jimin stopped for a second to place his hands up Yoongi's head and again started to move.
This time Jimin was thrusting even harder than before and Yoongi's voice was now so loud, high and screaming Jimin's name. His husky voice was no more and when Jimin heard him scream his name in high voice, it made him to go more harder.

"Ahish.... J-jimin... I'm clo-"

Before Yoongi finished his sentence, he cummed together with Jimin. Yoongi cummed on Jimin's belly.
Jimin slowly pulled out himself and a bit of white liquid dropped on the bed sheets. He layed next to Yoongi and made an eye contact with him.
They both smiled, all sweaty and Yoongi's stare slowly went to Jimin's abs covered with his sperm.

"Let me clean you, Jimine. As a reward for a very good job~"
He didn't let Jimin say a word and immediately went up on him and started to lick all his sperm from his abs. He was really enjoying it, because whole time Yoongi was smiling. Jimin entangled his little fingers into Yoongi's soft and sweaty hair and pet him.
After Yoongi was done with cleaning, he layed again next to Jimin and his head was on his chest.

"I'm so glad you showed me how you feel when I fuck you~ It felt amazing."

"Awe... That was my pleasure to pleasure you as you do to me, Yoongie~"

Then they french kissed and since it was now a midnight, they both fell asleep.

Jimin? You got no pants (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now