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"She's taking a really good care about him as I will about you this weekend."
And then Yoongi gave him a sweet kiss on a neck and again took their bags in hands. Jimin wasn't able to say a word. It was so nice of him...

Jimin came back to reality from his thoughts, lastly pet the black and white Jimin and took bags. The reservation was done and both went up the upstairs to their room. Their room was on the 3rd floor and at the very end of the corridor. Jimin unlocked the room, opened the door and in front of them was a big white bed for two, table along the wall, TV upon it and at the other side of the room was a bigger balcony. Of course there was a small kitchen and a  bathroom with bath tub. It was quite big room for two people. But also very good looking room. On the walls were hanging some nice pictures.
Yoongi with Jimin stepped to the room with a big amazement on their faces. They put all bags under the table and immediately fell on the soft bed together.

"Yoongi?" Asked Jimin.


"It was really, really so nice of you... That you named that cat after me..."

Yoongi turned head to Jimin and smiled on him. Then he got up and layed next to Jimin. He layed his head on Jimin's chest and put his arm around his waist.

"Jimin, it was a sure thing. I did it because that everybody should know that right now here is the best person in the world. And as they could see your name after that we leave. They will say: "That Jimin is so sweet and beloved!" Same as you are. And I will be sure I chosed the right man. You're totally beloved and sweet. Even more that the cat."
Yoongi said with a calm and passionate voice.

"Yoongi, stop! Stop or I will start crying because of your words..."

Jimin cut out him, then pet his hair and gave him a sweet kiss on a forehead for his "sure thing".

"Thank you."

Smiled Jimin on Yoongi and then they were just resting.

It was evening, around 7pm and both of then were just going back to their room from a dinner. They locked the door and went straight on the balcony and sat next to each other. Jimin took his phone and swithed on camera. Turned to the front camera and held his arm with phone in the air as he could be seen there with Yoongi.

"Yoongi, come here," he told Yoongi, because he wanted to take a picture with him. In the same time Jimin tapped on the icon of photography, Yoongi came to him and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Y-Yoongi! I wanted to send this to boys! You know how shy I'm in front of them..."

Jimin volumed his voice a bit, but Yoongi defended himself.

"But screaming things like "Yes, I want more Yoongi! Faster!" you don't care, right?"

"Quiet! It's something else..."

Jimin protested and started to blush again.
2 hours passed and it was 9pm now. Jimin with Yoongi was now lying in the bed under the blanket and watching some romantic movie together. Jimin was lying on Yoongi's chest and one his hand was on Yoongi's naked belly. Both were only in shorts. Yoongi had his hand on Jimin's waist and the other hand holding Jimin's hand on his own belly.
Now they were watching some very romantic scene with a man and a woman. And some half naked scenes too. Yoongi was watching also Jimin's faces meanwhile watching those scenes. Yoongi smiled for himself and cut out Jimin from watching a movie.


After a while, not stopping watchin a movie, Jimin responded:

"Yes? What's wrong?"

"Our time is almost here too..."

Yoongi informed Jimin with a deep voice with some excitement and entangled his fingers into Jimin's orange hair.

Jimin? You got no pants (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now