The dream is over

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The cool summer day was like any other. The birds are chirping and children runs around in the playground and play with all the toys. Suddenly an ominous wind pours over the ground and around the two sides which create a strong wind that cannot be traversed. Almost like a sea storm with windy winds in the middle of nowhere.

An echo of what could have been and of what it was. A silent treatment.

They both stared each other down. One boy. One girl. One filled with feeling of hurt. Hurt of not being able to do anything and a deep feeling of love. One filled with an emptiness. Emptiness of the black void spreading throughout the world like a thick blanket.

The boy stared at the girl across the yard. His mind was like the windy wind, mixing up his thoughts and feelings. His heart says one thing but his senses says another thing. His feelings says to run and comfort the girl, this angelic creature he had loved for centuries. His feelings from an age long past surfaced with each moment and barely kept in check.

The girl however stared him down with her empty eyes. Empty eyes once filled with determination too big to contain and sometimes too big for her to control.

Their friends stood beside the grassy field and could only look between the two, not knowing what would happen henceforth.

They were in the middle of their fight but had now stopped for the reason of wanting to know the truth. Or more like Miwa wanting to know the truth of her betrayal by joining up with Link Joker and becoming reversed.

''You said you want to know why I chose to become reversed by Takuto?'' Kai said as she closed her eyes. Miwa (and their other friends) nodded his head in approval. Kai opened her eyes fiercely like a fire had lit within her.

''I did it so I could prove myself! Not just to Aichi and Ren but to the rest of the world! I want you all to feel the same pain I have!'' she yelled across the grassy field. Kai had never in her entire life yelled at someone. Not even when she is so seriously pissed her glare could take the life out of someone. A side effect of being a puppet of void.

''What is she talking about?'' Miwa heard Kamui ask the gang of friends. Miwa couldn't say he knew either, Kai didn't talk so much about her past. He only knew up to the point before she left town and after she came back. Not all in-between. The most important fact to her change from happy to cold.

''What happened to you Kai? After you left?'' Miwa asked. He really just wanted to run to the brunette and take away all her pain. Make all her worries and sadness of whatever it might be and free her once pure soul from its binding chains of torture. But he couldn't. All he could do was watch as the reverse took its toll on her, used her in whatever schemes it had left to do. Use her like a marionette on silver strings, never letting her rest. He could see it clearly. Something no one else could see. Kai was in pain. Even though the reverse masked the pain on the outside, he could still see the suffering impact it had on her. Even if she became reversed by her own free will or not, he was determined to free her of this madness called Link Joker.

''Why do you even care?'' came the hurtful comeback.

''Why you ask... It's because (I love you) we are friends, aren't we?''

Kai clenched her fist as she spoke. ''Friends you say? Friends... Friendship... It has no meaning... It means nothing for me! I don't care if we used to be so called friends, I just used you all, can't you see!? Even you is a thorn in my side!!''

''No, I don't believe you. I know you don't feel that way because this is void speaking. Not you Kai. The Kai I know wouldn't say something like that.''

Kai's eyes suddenly became overshadowed by her bangs as she looked down at the field. ''The Kai you know? The Kai you know? You don't know a thing about me nor will you ever... like all of you. Just sprouting nonsense because you think you know everything when it's plainly visible you don't.''

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