6- Song 1

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A mi em passa que depèn del moment m'enganxo a una cançó o a una altra. Depèn del meu estat d'ànim, de la situació que m'envolti o altres.
Però ara estic enganxada a aquest cançó.
Els cors no menteixen, i en certa part tenen raó.


It's not what you said, it's how you said it
(No és el que vas dir, sinó com ho vas dir)
And don't you say you love me when you know you'll regret it
(I no em diguis que m'estimes quan et penediràs)
It's not what we did, it's what we didn't
(No és pel que vam fer, sinó pel que no)
We've been losing time and don't know how to admit it
(Hem estat perdent temps i no sé com admetre-ho)

When love don't feel right
(Quan l'amor no va bé)
We get along, get along on the outside
(Semblem que estem bé per fora)
Head out the door, but our hearts on the inside
(Cap fora de la porta, però els nostres cors a dins)
Love don't feel right
(L'amor no va bé)
We get along, get along on the outside
(Semblem que estem bé per fora)
But hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie
(Pero els nostres cors no menteixen)

We're half of the same
(Som la mitat del mateix)
Don't take that the wrong way
(No agafis el mal camí)
You know what I mean
(Saps que vull dir)
Hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie
(Els cors no menteixen)
Won't do this again
(No farem això mai més)
Don't take that the wrong way
(No agafis el mal camí)
You know what I mean
(Saps que vull dir)
Hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie
(Els cors no menteixen)
Hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie
Hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie

You were the one, the one that I wanted
(Tu eres aquell, aquell que jo volia)
But you know people change, we're not the same as we started
(Però saps que la gent cambia, i no som els mateixos com quan vam començar)
We're not running away, we're moving forward
(No estem fugint, sinó que tirem endevant)
And though we're trying to stay ahead, we're
just treading water
(I tot i que intentem seguir endevant, continuem enfonsant-nos)

When love don't feel right
We get along, get along on the outside
Head out the door, but our hearts on the inside
Love don't feel right
We get along, get along on the outside
But hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie

We're half of the same
Don't take that the wrong way
You know what I mean
Hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie
Won't do this again
Don't take that the wrong way
You know what I mean
Hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie
Hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie
Hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie

We're half of the same
Don't take that the wrong way
You know what I mean
Hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie
Won't do this again
Don't take that the wrong way
You know what I mean
Hearts ain't gonna, hearts ain't gonna lie

Mini-històries de la meva vidaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang