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Clara's POV

Walking down street of Birmingham, England. Well more like Small Heath. It smelled of horse shit. Smoke. And gun powder. Someone must have been shot recently. I pulled my coat closer to me feeling the pressure of my gun on my side.

Walk in. Shoot him. Get out. Not one word. Easy right. Probably not. We are talking about killing the leader of the Peaky Blinders. But how would I know the leader. All I know is his name. Thomas Shelby.

"Of orders of the Peaky Blinders you need to get out!!" I stopped dead in my tracks. Have they spotted me?

Looking over my shoulder to see two men. Furrowing my brows seeing them push a man to the ground.

"Come on Arthur I didn't mean anything by it honest! I didn't know she was yours! I thought she was a whore!" The streets went silent as he said this and then a gun shot rang out. The taller one of the two shot him. Dead on. Probably between the eyes.

"Let's go Arthur. Tommy is waiting for us at The Garrison." The shorter one spoke with a pick between his lips. They both started walking. Coming towards me. I quickly turned around and continued to walk slowly but normally the best I can.

Don't get me wrong. I've seen my fair share of killings in my time from just a wee child. Yet seeing others do it. Especially the Peaky Blinders. It's a new level of killing. No wonder my Brother wants them gone. They kill for no reason. Both men walked past me. The smaller one looked at me and winked. I gave a look which in returned a smirk.

Oh boy to watch that smirk fade away as I shoot his brother or father. Cousin maybe? Look my brother didn't give me all the details of the Shelby clan.

Following them into The Garrison, the went into a side room. I raised a brow at this confused. They get there own room here? I shook my head at this and went to the bar sitting next to a woman who was smoking talking to the barman.

"S'cuse me Polly." The man spoke when he saw me sit down taking my gloves off. "What can I get you ma'am?"

"Whisky please." I simply said taking my hat off by keeping my jacket on. This sparked interest in the woman named Polly sitting next to me.

"You heard her Harry get her the whisky and it's on the house." The man Harry went stiff a bit, I looked at her then him. He gave a nod and poured me some whiskey. Taking the glass giving him a nod I took a sip of it looking at her from the corner of my eye.

"I've never seen another woman able to down whisky without a face." I turned to her a bit.

"I'm not most girls ma'am." I simple said

"Neither am I. I'm Polly Gray."

"Clara Rose." I gave her a sweet smile.

"Your not from around here are you Miss Clara Rose."

"Clara, please. And no I'm from America. I came here for some business."

"Oh a woman working. Now that's amazing to see. May I ask why your here?"

"Sorry I can't tell ma'am." I finished my drink and looked at the room.

"Oh you must be here to speak to the Peaky Blinders. I mean they have been seeing a lot of people today." I looked at her with surprise then back at the door.

"I'm not some whore if that's what your thinking Miss Gray."

"Oh I never thought you where. Now I'll see you around Clara." She got off her chair grabbing the bottle of whiskey walking towards the door. I could see a glimps into the room. I saw another man sitting smoking with bright blue eyes from what I could tell. That must be Thomas Shelby.

"I suggest you don't get involved with them little girl. They aren't who you think they are."

"I know they are the Peaky Blinders. And I'm not some little girl. Now why don't you shut up and pour me another drink." I gave Harry a dark look which he shuddered under my intense look. He poured me another and quickly backed away.

They aren't who I think they are? Little do you know Barman I'm not who you think I am either.


After having a few drinks. The barman thought I was tipsy. Yet I wasn't. I know how to hold my own liquor. But he still told me to not ask for anymore. I only had 7  drinks that's not many ! I've had 10 and not once did I get tipsy. I mean I didn't start drinking till I was like 12 I'm 19 now.

Besides they haven't come out of that room the whole time I've been here. And it's getting boring with all the men whistling at me as I downed my drinks like a man. After deciding on what to do I needed a place to sleep for the night.

I think I saw a little inn down the road maybe I can sleep there. Hopefully the owner is still there. Putting my gloves back on and hat o walked to the door just as I walked past the room the Peaky Blinders where in someone walked out. Making us collide.

Someone grabbed my sidearm to keep me from falling. Everyone went silent. Looking up fast I was met with the most brightest blue eyes I've ever seen.
I gulped. They where also so dark. Full of pain. Fear maybe?

"Watch where your going." He snapped

I glared at him and stepped back. "Well I'm so sorry. I was just leaving then you got in my way. So if you excuse me." I pushed him aside and walked past him. He was staring at me with shock I bet. Didn't dare to look back at him. He felt my gun. I know he did.

Realizing who I just ran into. That was Thomas Shelby

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