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Clara's POV

Okay I'll admit. I am falling hard for Thomas Shelby. After that night. Which was like weeks ago. Everything changed in my heart. What do I do to him. Killing Thomas was not going to happen. My heart is speaking now. Thomas may have a dark side to him but I've seen his good side to him. He's just... god I don't know.

So here I am sitting at my little table in my room writing a letter to my brother that I can't do this. I can't kill Thomas Shelby. I've fallen hard for him. Knowing my brother he won't be happy to see this letter from me. Probably disown me too. I don't care. I found a family. I have to tell them why I was actually here. Starting with Thomas. But how?

A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts. Setting my pen down getting up walking to the door and opening it softly. I was met with a gun to my head. My eyes went wide.

"Little Miss Clara Rose I presume." It was a man. Taking a step back he came into my room closing he door behind him.

Looking towards my bed I quickly ran to the bed diving for my gun only to be met with a shot and a pain in my arm. Crying out in pain grabbing it falling to the ground on the other side of the bed.

"Now now little girl." He walked over to me grabbing me by the hair. I whimpered. God do I feel so little and useless. "I hear your Thomas Shelby's little whore." He spat at me. I glared at him.

"I don't know what your talking about!" I yelled out. Only to earn a punch to the face.

Yelping in pain at this he threw me to the ground and kicked at me. Trying to crawl away was a challenge. I started to feel light headed. Looking at the ground there was a pool of blood now. My arm was bleeding so much. He must have shot an artery.

With one final blow to my head with a swift kick. He bent back down.

"Give Thomas Shelby a message for me sweetheart. If he dares try to kill any of my men his little whore will be killed. Sincerely Boris Burge. Understand." I couldn't make any words come out. Only for him to grab me by the hair again pulling my head back. "Understand!" I quickly nodded fast.

"I.. I understand." I whimpered out. He gave a sly smirk pushing my back down to the ground. With one final blow he left.

Laying there on the ground. I don't have enough energy to move. So cold, tired drained. Laying in my own blood seeping through my pastel pink blouse. Closing my eyes slowly then opening them staring right at my gun.

I couldn't even get to my own gun. Is this the price you pay with being a Peaky Blinder? Yet I'm not even dating Thomas. Or am I? No he hasn't asked me out again. And probably won't.


I don't know how long I laid here. So tired. Keeping my eyes open was so hard for me. Slowly moving more like scooting to the door. Inch by inch it was getting even harder to breath. Sleep wanted to take over. But if I fall asleep I won't wake up. So I kept moving. Fight Clara. You can do this.

Just as I get to the door I saw some girl come down the hall. I think her name was Fiona. She saw me her eyes went wide.

She ran to me and started screaming for help. Placing my head on her lap taking her coat off and putting pressure onto my arm. I made a sound. And she shh'd me.

Before passing out. All I wanted was Thomas. So as I closed my eyes all I said was. Thomas.


Tommy's POV

I was sitting in the Garrison. My mind on Clara. Haven't seen her in a few days since the party. Maybe I should go by and see her.

As I sipped on my drink Ada came running into the she looked frantic. Arthur sat up fast. John looked at her.

"Clara she is in the hospital." Before she could finish I ran out of the Garrison towards the hospital.

As I ran into the building a few of the nurses stopped and looked at me then pointed down the hall to a room. The know about Clara and I. Everyone does. Fuck.

Running down the hall to the room I saw aunt Pol there standing outside the door. When she saw me she had to stop me from going in there.

"Thomas you can't go in there they are trying to fix her okay."

"What happened !?!?" I yelled into her face.

"I don't know. But Fiona one of the whores found her in her room almost dead." I closed my eyes rubbing my face.

I need to find who did this. And now.

"Come get me when she's out of surgery Aunt Pol." I quickly walked out to be met with John and Arthur.

"What's going on?" I looked at John.

"Someone hurt Clara. We need to find them now."
I went straight to the inn she stays in. Everyone moved out of our way.

"Don't worry tommy we'll find who did this." I said nothing. I was so pissed. Someone hurt my Clara!

As we got to the room i stopped in my tracks. The room was a mess. Blood all over the floor.

"God what the hell happened in here?" John stepped over the blood.

"I don't know." Was all I said as I looked around. Why didn't she use her gun? Protect herself. Was she ambushed? She's not this careless is she?

"The fuck is this?!" I looked at Arthur as he held up a piece of paper. Furrowing my brows I took it and started to read it.

~ Dear Jona,

I can't follow the task you sent me here to do. He is not the man you said he was. He has shown me he's a good man. All men have a dark side. Jona I'm sorry that I can't do this for you. Following my heart like mama told us before she died is what I'm doing. I'm in love with Thomas Shelby. And I will tell him and his family about us. All of us. Along as to why I was sent here for. Please forgive me brother for not following orders. Killing Thomas Shelby won't happen. Not by my hands.

Love Clara ~

Staring at the note. The rage in me filled more. She was going to kill me? That fucking bitch!

"Tommy.." I looked over at the door to see Ada.

"Did you know about this?!?" I held up the letter. Ada walked over took it and sighed.

"She keeps a diary me and Aunt Pol have read it and knew about this whole thing. But her recents ones are about how she's never felt like she had a place to call home until she met you. Killing you was her mission but after that party something in her changed. We wanted to tell you tommy we really did. But aunt Pol and I decided to let her do it." I just stared at her in shock.

Quickly passing her. Them yelling for me to come back. She's just like Grace. Getting to me letting me start to open my heart and then bam crush it.

I don't know where I was going but I won't be back for awhile.

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