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Couple days after that final day of killing my brother, burning his body and dumping him in the river of Birmingham. No tears where shed that day. It was silent. Thomas kept his arm around me keeping me close. Scared to lose me again; I bet.

Ada was downing some Irish whiskey, John spat in the water; mumbling something along the lines of, 'good riddance." Arthur was tending to the wounds on his face, Aunt Paul helping him. Finn was a trembling mess. He's never seen such violence in his life of being a Peaky Blinders.

Didn't realize I was in my own world staring at the water, that the sun has set down. It being just Thomas and I.

"Let's go love we have some business to finish." I looked up at Thomas slowly nodding. He gave me a look.

"Clare." He sighed as he turned me to face. A friend of mine well not a friend an Quaintance of mine once said. 'Intelligence is a very valuable thing innit my friend. Usually it comes far too late.' Your brother he wasn't..."

"Thomas I'm not upset of his death. I don't care. I'm just thinking on how I'm the last one of my family now. Like I'm truly alone now..."

"You aren't alone. Family just isn't blood it's those you've made friends with. Come close too. Like Ada, Aunt pol, John, Finn, Arthur, bloody hell everyone in Peaky Blinders! You are one of us now Clare. For ever and always no matter what happens with us. You are under protection of the Peaky fucking Blinders." Thomas placed his hands on my hips pulling me close to him.

"What do you mean no matter what happens with us? Are you saying you think we won't be together for long?"

He sighed and leaned his forehead onto mine. "You May end up hating me. After everything I've put you through. Just merely weeks you've been through so much because of me. I couldn't bare to see you get hurt or be mad at me. That would kill me."

"Slow and painful death huh?"

"Worse than death. A life without you is not a life I'll fight for. Clare you changed me into a better man. You aren't some whore."

"Everyone's a whore, Thomas. We just sell different parts of ourselves."

He chuckled and gently brought his hand up caressing my cheek softly. "Let me finish." I nodded getting closer to him.

"You aren't some whore I want to throw away. I want you for everything. The pain, the love, the tears, everything. To everyone else you are just some girl who's joined the Peaky Blinders. Clare what I'm asking after this whole thing I've decided, to me you are someone I can see a life with, a family." I saw his other hand go to his coat pocket; from the corner of my eye pulling out the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. Clare Rose will you take this ring and become Clare Rose Shelby?"

I stared at him shocked. Did this man. Cold hearted man I had to tear down his walls to see his soft side just ask me to marry him?!

Tears welled up in my eyes and I nodded fast. Instantly wrapping my arms around his neck basically jumping into him. Pulling back we just stared at each other smiling. Then one thing lead to another that night.

That night I gave him my everything. Something I've wanted to do with him since I basically started having feelings for him.

I'm becoming Clare Rose Shelby.

~The End~

Hello welcome to the end of the story. I will be trying to make a second book. More focused on a lot of things in this. :). Please share any names for the second book! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I had fun writing this. Yes it's a short ending. I really wanted to finish this book before starting book 2. Hope you understand. 

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