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Clara's POV

Ada was checking me over even though I told her Thomas took me to the hospital and got me checked out. She felt like she had to make sure for herself before hugging me. And might I add a tight hug.

"Ada I need to breath !!" She laughed a bit and pulled back looking at me. She gave a slight smile and sat back. I looked around the room at the Shelby clan or well the Peaky Blinders.

"Clara what happened ? Who took you ?!" I sighed and shook my head as I grabbed the cup of tea Aunt Pol sat down on the table next to me.

"I can't say John." He looked aggravated and walked out Arthur and Thomas close behind.

"It was your brother wasn't it. And Grace?" I went stiff and looked at Aunt Pol and she gave a sly smirk. "That answered my question."

"How did you know? And don't tell Thomas please."

"The burns and Grace has been sneaking off for the past couple of days you where missing. So I fit both pieces together." I sighed rubbing my face.

"She's not pregnant either."

"Figured as much when Ada caught her drinking." I looked at Ada and she was shaking her head.

"Caught her chugging Thomas whiskey and put something in it after. I threw it out. Got my sss chewed for it."

"Grace is dangerous. She will kill Thomas slowly. She wants to use me but I won't let her nor will I let them harm Thomas. If he doesn't love me like I love him least I can do is protect him."

"He does love you. We swear on that. He may be smart but he's an idiot and blind to what's in front of him. And it's easy to tell he loves you. He kept looking at you and keeping an eye on you in case of anything."

"Yeah he cares but that doesn't mean.."

"It does mean something from Thomas." I sighed looking at Aunt Pol.

Should I tell them we kisses? No. Keep it a secret for now. Not like it will happen again. Not while he's with Grace. I mean if he kisses me first I won't stop it. Oh god Clara he'll be cheating. But he seems to not care.


Later that night I was in Thomas old room. He went back to his mansion, giving me permission to stay in his room. So here I am sitting on his bed a candle lit next to me as I wrote in my diary.

A soft knock came from the door I closed my book putting it under the pillow. "Come in." When the door opened I raised a brow to see Thomas walk in.

"Thomas? It's late what are you doing here?"

"Couldn't sleep and decided to take a walk." He came and laid next to me so now I'm between him and the wall. Looking at him he had a lot on his mind.

"Want to talk or a smoke?" Just as I said that he already had a cigarette out lighting it. I rolled my eyes.

"She's pissed off about you being here."

"Grace?" He nodded and sighed.

"She has nothing to worry about anyways. Not like we are going to do anything anyways."

"We kissed."

"Don't remind me."

"Don't regret it?"

"I don't. But it won't happen again. Your engaged to someone this is like cheating so no. From now on I'm your friend nothing more."

"And what if I say I don't want to be just friends?" I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Then we are nothing, just strangers."

"Strangers who are in bed together."

Is he getting playful with me? Really Thomas ? Are you drunk or something ?

"Are you drunk or something Thomas?"

"Just being myself with you. Problem?"

"No I just never seen you like this." I gave a soft smile and laid down next to him staring at the ceiling. We sat in silence for awhile. I had to get it out.

"Thomas listen Grace isn't who you think she is. She hasn't changed at all. She still wants you dead mad before you ask how do I know this? Or how can I say such thing about the woman carrying your child. Well 1. She isn't pregnant 2. She's the one who took me 3. She's with my brother Jona. I wouldn't lie to you Thomas. Not anymore that is." As I finished what I was saying I looked at Thomas and groaned.

He was passed out asleep. Really!?! Maybe it wasn't meant to be to tell him about this. Yet.


I didn't stay in bed this morning watching him sleep. I wanted too.. but I didn't.

"Your up early this morning Clara." I looked at Aunt Pol.

"Yeah. Couldn't sleep. Decided to make breakfast for all of us as a thank you."

"No need to thank us Clara. You should be resting." I shrugged this time as I kept cooking. She sighed and sat down watching me.

It was quiet peaceful even. A good type of silence. The best kind of silence.

"Today they get married. Grace moved it." As if my body couldn't take it anymore I looked at Aunt Pol before falling to the ground passing out.

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