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Clara's POV

I was woken up by pounding at my door. Groaning and turning over only to hiss at the bright sun shinning onto me. Rubbing my eyes remembering last night events. Thomas Shelby. Shaking my head at my thoughts. I'm here for one thing. And one thing only to kill Thomas Shelby.

Bringing me out of my thoughts the banging on the door got louder. Grabbing my rode along with my gun putting it behind me back. Slowly getting off the bed towards the door.

"Open up! Orders by the Peaky Blinders!" I went stiff. They found out. Raising my gun to the door. They wouldn't stop. Looking at my surroundings. Escape through the window. It's open. But if I go I'm in my night wear. I'm screwed either way. Slowly pulling the hammer back with a soft click. Closing my eyes taking a sharp deep breath along with pulling the trigger.

Everything went quiet, a thud landed outside my door. Grabbing my bag quickly jumping out the window. Hearing my door break in was all I need to go even faster.

Shot rang out behind me. They are at shooting me. I'm so dead. Quickly weaving between people in the alley to a hiding spot. Changing fast into a simple brown skirt and blouse. Didn't care if I was changing in an alley. I'm worried about my life. After putting my shoes on grabbing my gun keeping it to me. So cold out. Fuck my jacket ! Great going Clara !!

"Are you Okay?" I looked down the alley towards that girl I saw with the Peaky Blinders. I pointed my gun at her fast.

"Don't come near me or I will shoot you."
I glared clenching my jaw.

She raised a brow at me. "I'm guessing my brothers came and saw you?"

"Yeah and I shot one of them." She glared back pulling out her own gun. We stood inches apart glaring at each other.

"Put your gun down girl. You don't know who your messing with." I have a slight chuckle.

"I think I do. Your a Peaky Blinder aren't you? I think I know who I'm messing with. Now why don't you put your gun down. Cause you don't know who your messing with either." I was calm. To calm. It was so quiet between us. Next thing I know she's smiling and laughing.

"Lord I already like you. And shooting my brother? I mean I can see why. My brother is an idiot well all of them are. But they came to bring you to Thomas. He wants to speak with you and since my other idiot of a Brothers didn't do there job right." She put her gun away walking towards me. I lowered my gun looking at her.

"I'm Ada. And your Clara right?" I nodded putting my gun in my holster. Then putting my holster on. "Damn where can I get one of those. My brothers won't let me have one neither will aunt Polly."

"I have another one." I grabbed my spare one handing it to her. She seems nice but I have to get close to get my job done.

Her eyes brighten up at this. She took her coat off putting it on. It was a bit big on her.

"Here let me adjust it." I gave her a slight smile as I adjusted it to her size.

"There she is! Fucking bitch you shot me in the arm!! Ada get away from her!" I looked behind me to see he small guy holding his arm.

"Oi it's a fucking graze John! And Thomas will deal with her." Arthur had a gun pointed at me. I glared pointing mine at him.

"Both of you put the guns down before someone is killed will you! John go to the aunt Polly she'll fix you up." I looked at Ada as she moved in front of me between my gun and Arthur's.

What is she doing? Isn't she afraid they will kill her?

"Fucking hell Ada! She shot John!"

"You deserve it after all. Couldn't you two be nicer especially to a lady? God your animals." Ada looked at me as I put my gun back in the holster. I grabbed my bag and started walking the other way.

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