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Clara's POV

I rubbed my head as I sat up from the ground looking at who I ran into. Some blond ina. Blue dress. Hers looked fancier than mine.

"Oh god I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run into you." I quickly helped her up and she looked at me. Her eyes where dark. Filled with hatred.

She dusted her dress off.

"So you must be the whore fucking with my Thomas Shelby." I furrowed my brows looking at her confused.

"Excuse me?" I asked. Who does she think she is.

"You heard me. Thomas is my man not yours little girl."

"I don't know who you are but you don't speak to me like that at all you bitch." Oh I was pissed now.

We glared at each other.

"Clara!" I snapped my head to the voice and let out a relief sigh. Thomas.

"Thomas." The girl said smiling I looked at her. He said my name bitch.

Woah what's wrong with me.

He ignored the girl and looked at me closely cuping my face. Letting out a relief sigh he pulled me into him then he looked at the girl.

"Grace what are you doing here?" Grace? His ex? Oh god.

"Enjoying the party until she came out running for no reason into me

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"Enjoying the party until she came out running for no reason into me." She snapped back glaring st me.

I looked away from her but staying close to Thomas. Seeing Alfie come out of the room I gripped Thomas arm. This making Thomas look down at me confused then at Alfie. He knew what happened.

"Solomons." I looked up at Thomas as he said this. He was clenching his jaw with such a dark look in his eyes.

This made Solomons stop in his tracks. He was shaken up now.

"Shelby I.. ummm. I was looking for Clara I see you found her she wondered off."

"Clara go find Aunt Pol and Ada." Thomas gently pushed me aside pushing me to the room the party was in. I simply nodded. Before I could get into the room Grace grabbed me and pinned me to the wall.

I gasped for air. Okay how many people are going to pin me to the wall  tonight?

"Stay away from him." I glared at Grace.

"Make me bitch." I spit on her face making her scream out and I pushed her back and quickly ran into the room going straight to Ada and Aunt Pol.

Shaken up was an understatement right now. Aunt Pol saw my face and instantly got concerned.

"Clara are you okay." I gave a slight nod looking over at the door.  She didn't bother asking further. Nor did I want to talk about it. But I know I will. With Thomas.


For the rest of the time I didn't see Thomas. Grace or Solomon. Aunt Pol found some man Ada was talking to a few girls there. I don't do well with groups and other girls. Only Ada.

So me being me decided to wonder a bit. I was curious about this place. It's beautiful. So many paintings and sculptures.

As I was walking a bit I found a painting. Thomas?

I just stared at it in awe

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I just stared at it in awe.

"There you are." I looked behind me seeing Thomas quickly walking towards me. "I said to stay with Polly and Ada."

"No. You told me to find them and I did. But after awhile they went back to doing what they where doing. And I couldn't just stand there like an idiot. Now could I?" I gave a slight smile to him and went back to looking at the painting.

He let out a frustrated sigh as he stared at me. "Can you tell me what he did? And Grace?"  I gave him a look. And shook my head.

"No. I won't tell you what they did. It doesn't matter." I started to walk off by Thomas grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

Looking up at him he pushed my hair back behind my ear as he looked at me.

"Please." Was all he said.

"Thomas Shelby are you begging me to tell you?" I gave him a smirk and this sparked something in him to push me up against the wall. Biting my lip at this.

"Yes I am Clara. As much as I hate to admit this I am begging you. I need to know before I blow that mans brains out and have my sister kill Grace." I went stiff at this.

Did he just threaten two peoples life's right now?

"It's not worth killing someone over me Thomas. Let alone an ex lover of yours." I pushed him back a bit, he kept a hand next to my head placed on the wall.

He looked down taking a deep breath. Mumbling something.

"What?" I asked.

"What are you doing to me." He looked back up staring me in the eyes.

He looks so vulnerable right now. Without hesitation I brought my hand up placing it on his cheek. He leaned into it placing his hand on mine moving closer to me placing his forehead against mine.

"What are you doing to me Clara Rose."

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