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Clara's POV

"Grace." I glared at the woman in front of me. Wait did she just...

"Did you just say I was supposed to be dead?" She have a slight dark laugh as she walked towards me. This making me take a step back. Making her smirk.

"What are you scared Clara." I glared at her teaching behind me back. Within an instant she had her gun pointed at my head.

I looked her dead in the eyes. Stay calm Clara.

"Come on get your gun out. This won't be a fair fight."

"I'm not going to shoot you. I would but i rather not ruin my last night here. No matter how much I hate you for taking someone I love."

"Oh I took someone you love? Well that's to bad. Thomas is mine and you will not get in my way of that. If I have to kill you just to watch Thomas wither away in pain I will. But I rather watch him die slowly in front of my eyes." She had a smirk. I was confused.

"Your willing to hurt the man you'll be marrying? How can you say you love him?"

"I don't love him Clara. A mission is a mission. Now I want to watch him suffer in my hands to torture him. You know the only reason he's marrying me is cause he thinks I'm pregnant."

My eyes went wide at this. She's pregnant! With Thomas's baby!!!

"But I'm not pregnant I can't get pregnant. Which will break his little heart even more since I've told him before I was and again I'm not. And will never be able too."

"Your a sick bitch Grace." I took an advance to her which made her pull the hammer back on the gun and glaring.

"Now now. Relax. Thomas still has feelings for you. I can tell he gets this look on his face as he's thinking just the mention of your name has him messed in the head."

He does? I just stared at her. She has to be playing with me. Thomas wouldn't marry someone if they truly are pregnant. While I was thinking I felt a stinging sensation on the top of my head making me gasps and land on the ground grabbing the side of my hand. Looking up at Grace she had the gun pointed at me again.

"Listen to me bitch. You will come to or wedding to watch us get married. But for now. I want to take you somewhere." Before I knew it someone grabbed me from behind. I screamed out only to have my mouth covered Grace laughing as she walked the other way.

Trying to scream and kick at who ever has me. Looking around the best I can. There I saw Thomas on the top of the stairs looking for someone. Thomas.

I tried screaming his name but it was to late I was pt into a car and knocked out.


My head hurt so bad. Slowly waking up letting my eyes adjust to the lightly lit room. Where am I?
I was tired to a chair, a cloth tied around my head to prevent me from taking, the room was Stone the floor was dirt.

"Good your awake." I snapped my head to the darkest part of the room. Squinting my eyes to see how it was my body went stiff.

The man walked out of the darkness. There stood my nightmare. My supposed family. My brother. Jona. He smirked at me walking towards me. I tried to break free of the restraints. My heart racing.

Joan gently took my hair in this hand pulling my head back so I'm looking st the ceiling. Tears welled up in my eyes again.

"My little sister you've been very bad and a disgrace to the family name." I looked him dead in the eyes. "Mom would be disappointed in you for falling for the enemy. And not doing as told. Dad would have your ass for this." He pulled the cloth down from my mouth to which I spit in his face glaring at him. He smacked me hard making me yelp.

"Fuckign bitch! I told you to kill him!!! Not fall in love!! HES A MONSTER!!"


For hours after that Jona beat me and before leaving he grabbed his lighter he carries. I tried to move but to no avail my brother burned me yet again.

Screaming in pain. The smell of flesh filled the room. His laughing also filling the room.

Thomas's POV

I quickly sat up in the bed hearing a scream. The screaming sounding familiar. Clara?

"Thomas what's wrong?" I looked over at Grace who looked like she's been fully awake this whole time.

"Do you hear that?" I asked starting to get out of the bed grabbing hm gun.

"I hear noting Thomas. Come back to bed. Put that thing away." Grace grabbed my hand pulling me back. Just as she did this I heard the scream again.

"That! Do you hear that!" By now I'm out of the bed with my gun in hand going straight to the door.

"Thomas I hear nothing. Are you feeling okay?" I heard Grace get out of the bed walking to me grabbing my arm a bit.

"You seriously don't hear that? It's sounds like cl.." I stopped mid sentence as Grace looked at me. She looked angry. She knew who I was going to say.

"Thomas you need to go to a doctor. You don't sound okay. Your hearing things.." I sighed as I crawled back into bed.

"I'll go make you some tea Thomas." I nodded rubbing my face grabbed one of my cigarettes placing it in my mouth lighting it.

Leaning back looking at the ceiling. Clara. I swear I heard Clara screaming. But how?

Grace's POV

I quickly ran down to the basement.

"What the hell Joan what are you doing in here to her! You woke Thomas up!" I whispered shouted as I came into the room.

Jona looked over at me smirking. I raised s brow as he walked towards me. Looking over his shoulder I saw Clara passed out in the chair bruised bloody. I scrunched my nose up.

"Lord what is that smell?" I looked Jona in the eyes as he pulled me into him.

"Just the smell of my sisters burning flesh. Sorry I couldn't help myself." I nodded as he leaned down to peck me on the lips.

"Just be quiet next time Jona okay. Please. We can't let him know she's here at all." He shrugged as he just held me closer to him. I smiled.

"I love you Grace."

"And I love you too Jona."

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