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Clara's POV

I don't know where we were going. Thomas had a firm grip on my hand as I sat in his car with a look in his eyes I have never seen before.

"Thomas are you going to talk to me or no?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Well telling me where we are going would be nice."

"For a drive. Then we will come back and go to Aunt Poll's House. Then plan on getting rid of them."


"You think I would marry some woman after she broke my heart lying about being pregnant and your brother being here?" I stared at him in shock. How did he...

"The other night I did hear you. I pretended to be a sleep."

"Thomas!" He had a playful smirk on his face as he rubbed my hand softly.

"I wish you would have told me at first. But I know I can't push you to do so. No matter how hard I try."

"You've never tried to push me Thomas."

"I've wanted too but well you see you aren't like the other girls."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Well if you got the leader of the Peaky Blinders to fall for you then yes. It's a good thing." He turned down a road with a field of trees. I looked out the side window of the car.

"So it's just you and me for how long?" I asked looking at him.

"A day maybe two."

"Won't the others be worried?"

"No. Arthur knows told him what he had to do."

I nodded looking at him. "Thomas does Arthur or John have loved or is it forbidden in the Peaky Blinders lives?"

"No. They can. It's just hard to do so. Usually we fuck who we want and pay them."

I raised a brow. "Really your going to speak of a women like that?"

"Or men."


"Don't forget they could like men too. But they don't."

"Oh. Well if they do you would still love your brothers right ?"

"They are family. I don't care who they love or sleep with. If they mess with the him or hurt him they hurt us all. Understand?"

"That's good to know. I have no problem with a man liking a man or a woman liking a woman. And I'm glad you don't either." I gave a smile as he looked at me for a second.


We sat in silence the rest of  the way to this little small area with a small little house in the middle of know where.

I walked around the grounds letting Thomas do what ever inside. God what am I thinking. I know I didn't force him to not marry her, glad he didn't. But I feel horrible about it for some reason.

Jesus Clare it's a good thing he didn't. He could be dead right now on his honey moon. Laying down on the grass looking at the sky thinking. The last bit is sun hitting my face softly. Smiling at the fresh air sighing relaxing for once. Putting my hands behind my head closing my eyes enjoying the peaceful moment.

I must have dozed off or something cause I felt someone carefully pick me up walking for a bit then laying me down on something soft. Then a sound of a match trying to be lit. Opening my eyes a bit looking over at him.

"Thomas?" He looked at me and sat down beside me

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"Thomas?" He looked at me and sat down beside me.

"Go back to sleep."

"I wasn't sleeping."

He gave me a look as I moved a bit laying my head on his chest thinking more. Thomas Shelby. Leader of the Peaky Blinders. Maybe in love with me. Isn't used to begging for things. Not showing his emotions is his thing. Yet with me he can be this different person.

"Why are you so different with me than your family and other people?"

He let out a sigh as he looked at his cigarette. "I changed after the war. Coming back here was different to me. What I saw and did changed me. I changed as a person. Yet with you I can be who I used to be in a way. Fresh start with someone who barley knew me."

"I knew about the bad side of you."

"The bad side that kept my family together, protected my family. Everything I did was for my family. Even if it hurt them to see the old me die."

"The old you isn't dead. It's in there somewhere under this stubbornness you call a Peaky Blinder."

"Let me finish. Everyone knows of the new Thomas Shelby. Everyone counts on him. They expect me to be strong and not giving a damn about anything. It's a weakness. But with you like I've said. I'm myself. You don't judge me or expect me to keep something up while I'm with you. It's reason I love you. And I hope you can feel the same with me."

"We all have baggage Thomas. And it will take time for me like it did you."

He nodded rubbing my back softly.

"Just know you can be yourself with me Thomas no matter what happens between us." I yawned holding onto him closing my eyes.

"Night Clara."

"Night Thomas."

Third Person's POV

And that night Thomas feel asleep with a smile on his face knowing Clara isn't judging him for his past and actions.

Little did they know back home something was going on. That is risking someone's life.


Hello everyone sorry for a long awaited update. I'm working on the next two chapters along with making s new book about the Peaky Blinders as well. I do hope your enjoying this story. Have a great evening everyone ! ❤️

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