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Tommy's POV

Watching her run out of the betting shop after shooting towards me. She looked scared tired drained of life. She didn't want to shoot me. I can tell even thought she said it her eyes said something.

So here I am running around for about an hour or so trying to find her. Everyone else is looking for her too.

"CLARA!!" I ran down an alley yelling her name again and again. Just as I was bought to give up and head home I heard a small voice come from behind a pile of bricks.

"T-Thomas." She peaked her head out. I quickly walked over to her getting down in front of her. She looked at me. She's been crying. All I did was stare at her. As she did the same to me.

"Y-you can't be here Thomas." She went to get away only for me to gently grab her and keep her in place. She looked down.

"Clara look at me." She didn't. "Clara Rose don't make me force you to look at me and you know I will."

"Why are you even here Thomas." She now looked at me. My breath got caught in my throat. Her eyes where screaming in pain and fear. I've never seen this before especially from her.

"Looking for you. We are all worried. You disappear for a few days no words only to come back beaten and wanting to shoot me?"


"I won't be killed Clara. You wouldn't let it happen. I know you won't."

"How can you even say that after I just shot at you..."  I cupped her face so she wouldn't look down but she avoided eye contact.

I glared as she did this. "Fucking look me in the eyes Clara. Now." She did as I said. She's scared by my tone. This made me feel bad but I can deal with that later.

"You shot at me, you didn't hit me. You didn't want to just doing as told right?" She nodded. "Clara I won't be killed I promise. You just need to tell me who did this to you." She wanted to say but didn't.

"I.. I can't..." I was getting angrier. I didn't realize what I was doing until she was gripping my wrist.

"Thomas stop! Your crushing my jaw!" I instantly let go of her. Shocked by my actions. I pulled Clara into me holding her to me. Aunt Pol was right. I do and still care about her.

"Clara please tell me who." She shook her head and I sighed annoyed. "You know I will find out right?"

"I know Thomas.." her voice was so quiet. Standing up picking her up in my arms holding her closer to me more than ever. She kept her eyes closed.

Just looking at her seeing how badly she was beaten. Who did this to her.

Clara's POV

I kept quiet, keeping my eyes closed as I let Thomas carry me god knows where. He had a gentle yet firm grip on me to where he wouldn't drop me. Telling him about what Grace was doing her plans to Jona beating me again.

For awhile Thomas kept walking so I took a small chance to open my eyes a bit to look up at him. He may not love me like he used too. But he cares I hope. But he loves Grace. Thomas was staring a head. Now and then I could see him see semi look down at me which made me close my eyes before he noticed I was looking at him.

He took me back to betting shop/Shelby's home. He took me to his room and laid me in his bed. Opening my eyes staring at him.

"I'll have Ada or aunt Pol check you out if you want." I shook my head turning over. Thomas sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. Looking at him over my shoulder. He was hunched over rubbing his face.

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