Chapter 4

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Hyejin woke up and found herself in her bed. She couldn't remember what had happened after Yunu's confession to her mother, and looked around to see it was already nine. She jumped out of bed, but remembered that it was Sunday. She sighed in relief that she wasn't late, and instead laid back, when something suddenly hit her.

Yunu was walking ahead and noticed Hyejin trailing behind, half asleep. He went to her, and pulled her on to his back. His bike had a flat tyre, and there were no taxis around, so walking was the only option.

Hyejin shot up at the memory that Yunu was carrying her. She internally screamed and kicked her blanket, laying back down.



"Thank you... For fulfilling my birthday wish." he chuckled at the sleepy head.

"Also... You were there when I really needed someone. Thank you for that." Hyejin kept talking half asleep, and Yunu only chuckled at her. He knew she meant it, but it was funny to hear her say them in her sleep.

Hyejin shot up again when she remembered that. She grabbed her hair and pulled it, making it go all directions messily.

"Hey, get up, we're back." Yunu shakes Hyejin on his back.

"Oh... Ok... Thank you Yunu... You did... a lot for me... today... How can I repay you..." Hyejin stood sleepily. Yunu laughed at her, holding her with one hand to keep her balanced, and jockingly pointed at his cheek for a kiss. What he didn't know that a sleepy Hyejin was also a vulnerable one.

"AAAHHH!" Heesun ran in hearing the screams, holding a frying pan in her hand.

"What the... Hyejin! Why were you screaming?"

"Heesun! I... Kissed... YUNU! WHAT TO DO! I CAN'T FACE HIM. I WAS SO SLEEPY THAT I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT I DID!" Heesun held her chest, relieved that it wasn't something like a thief, or snake. She shook her head at Hyejin, and simply called her down for breakfast. Hyejin washed up and went down, only to stop on her tracks at the familiar back sitting at the table with Hansol.

"Oh, you're awake." at Hansol's words, the figure turned around with a smirk, and Hyejin lost her will to live anymore.

"Why's he here? Where's da... Father?" she looked around the house as she spoke.

"Chill stupid, your dad's not here. I came to play video games with Hansol. Problem?" Yunu replied chuckling at her. Hyejin just looked away from him, avoiding eye contact as much as possible. She can't seem to face him at all.

They had breakfast together, and Hyejin later went straight up after finishing her pancakes. She took out her books to start studying. She finished one in an hour, and then took out another book, but decided to go down to grab a snack, and found the place completely quiet.

Heesun and Hansol were nowhere to be seen, and she knew her father was away for work in a different district. Thinking she was all alone, she locked the extra locks on the front and back door.

"Think your alone?" a voice whispered into her ear as she locked the back door, and by instinct Hyejin turned around screaming, punching the face real hard. The person fell on the floor, and she soon realised what she had done.

"You b****! It's just me! Are you crazy!?!" Yunu laid on the floor, holding his face. His nose was bleeding and there was a bad cut on his lip. Hyejin held her chest, relieved that it was just him.

"Why are you still here? Where's Heesun and Hansol?" Yunu now stood up, looking up to stop the nose blood.

"Hansol had a dentist appointment, so they went out. Heesun told me that you would be alone, and said I can stay if I wanted to. Now can I get some help here?" Hyejin was embarrassed at what happened, but tried not to show it. She looked around for the first aid kit, but remembered that it was in her room. She pulled Yunu to her room and sat him on the bed, taking out the kit.

Hyejin sat next to him, and first helped him stop the nosebleed. She then realised the cut on the side of his mouth, on his lips. It was pretty badly swollen and kept bleeding. Hyejin took out a cotton and started wiping it, and Yunu studied her face while she was focused on the cut.

Her brown circular eyes, round nose, chubby cheeks, and small lips. He stared at them the longest, remembering how she kissed his cheek in her sleep. He couldn't forget the feeling of them against his skin, very soft.

"Done." Hyejin cleared his cut and put the tweezers down, but she soon realised what was happening. She caught Yunu staring at her lips, then looking right at her. She froze at his gaze, and could feel the distance between them getting smaller. Yunu kept leaning in closer and closer to her, and Hyejin found that she couldn't do anything but stay there and look down.

Yunu was now only an inch away from her face, and it was as if his body was taken over. He couldn't think straight about anything at all as he kept getting closer to her. He didn't know what was happening, but kept going. Hyejin looked at him, and how close he was to her. Now, she can't think either. The distance between them was intoxicating her, and she didn't know what was happening, but at the same time she did.

And it happened. Their lips touched, and it stayed at the touch. The two of them froze at that point, minds completely blank. Hyejin's eyes were closed, as if she was waiting for something to happen. Yunu realised what he was doing, and slipped his hand on her cheek, holding her face.

This time, he really started kissing her. He held her face with one hand while the other was around her waist. He kept pulling her closer, and continued to kiss her, while Hyejin only sat still. Her hands soon found their way onto his shirt, clutching it tight, pushing him away, but pulling him closer at the same time. She didn't know what was going on in her mind, but his gentle kiss was making her melt and go crazy.

Yunu slowly pulled away, and looked at her. Hyejin kept her gaze down, and the reality suddenly hit her. Her eyes darted at Yunu, and she let go of his shirt, pushing him away for real this time.

"Wha... YAH! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" she started throwing pillows at Yunu, who just realised what had happened. He stood up and ran downstairs to the toilet, washing his face continuously. He looked at himself in the mirror.

"What the hell did I just do?" he stared at himself in the mirror, wondering who he was, what he was, and everything else. His eyes became blood shot, and his face lost all colour. He left the house and went into his own, diving into his bed, and repeatedly hitting himself with a hard pillow.

Hyejin sat frozen at the edge of her bed, where she had been sitting when all that happened. Soon, she heard the front door open, and Heesun yelling at their brother for some apparent reason. She realised she had been sitting there for an hour and half, and quickly fixed back everything before going down to greet a senseless Hansol and pissed off Heesun.


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