Chapter 10

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I felt Leon's body shudder and pass out next to me as the Camp's guards came closer. They easily lifted him from me and scrambled to bring him to a stretcher. All I could do was stand there, trembling in fear and shock. He is dying but I can't do anything about it.

They take him to the infirmary where they try to help him but have they ever tried to heal a chimera cut?No. Will they help? Kind of. When we arrived I saw Mia looking worried. It's weird that she almost died a few days ago and you couldn't notice at all. "Are you okay?" "I'm a little sore but a shirt could help?" "Oh um... Yeah!" She peeled off her Camp Half-Blood hoody and gave it to me. "Thanks! I owe you one!" I replied to her walking to the room Leon was in.

They usually have injured campers on cots because they have less serious injuries like a broken ankle but since Leon was in a room it worried me. I bursted in the room to see Caleb, from the Apollo cabin, shooing me to get out. "Out!" He said with annoyance filling into his voice. "I have to see him. Please he's my boy-bestfriend!" He glared at me but resided and let me in. I always new Leon looked different from the rest of his sibling but when they were next to each other, Leon stuck out like a sore-thumb. But it didn't bother me at all: his hair wasn't blonde like the others but this perfect shade of brown and his eyes were darker than his siblings but it made him unique.

I pushed back his hair off his sweaty forehead while he opened his eyes. "How are you feeling?" I ask quietly. "Awful." He replies trying to keep the pain out of voice. The bed we're both in is extremely soft and it could lull me to sleep any moment but Leon looks extremely uncomfortable. I reach out and grab his clammy hand and say,"Sorry about punching your nose..." He gave me a ridiculous look and he exclaims,"I'm dying right now from freaking chimera cuts and you're worried that I punched your nose!?!" I giggled slightly and replied,"I wanted to change the subject." "It's kinda hard..." He gestured to his bandaged stomach. I nod, exasperated and lay down next to him. I know that he might die but there is always hope that somethings are different.

----------------------------------------------*The setting and characters belong to Rick Riordan. Sorry if it's later Lovelies!*

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