Chapter 1

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(These stories will be written in two point of views, this one is Janessa.)

"Stay calm, and be quiet." Leon commanded in a hushed tone, "Don't even move a muscle." He unsheathed a sword and ran out to fight the being that was chasing us before I could even protest. I raked my fingers through my chestnut brown hair and started to stand up, well at least try to. During our continuous sprint through the thick forest I did something to my ankle- I either twisted it,rolled it, or broke it- without Leon I would be monster chow.

I heard a horrendous shriek from the opposite side from Leon. There were two of them. I could hear it come closer. I tried to listen closely to it, four paws, it was pretty big considering the way it stomped through the thicket. I gripped the tiny knife Leon gave me because I lost my own dagger in our scramble and balanced myself against the stone I was behind. As it came closer I could see what it was, it was terrifying. There was a concoction of animals, it had a human head with yellow eyes that seemed to glow, it had the body of a red lion, a tail of a scorpion- with it's own stinger I must add- that was probably the size of me, and wings of a bat with a large wing span that was probably twelve feet.

Panic started to bubble in my throat and it popped through my lips as a scream. It was a manticore. I've never seen one but I heard they were nasty. I wanted to regret every second of that scream. It seemed to catch the beast's attention. Before I knew it the manticore was barreling towards at a rapid speed. I held my knife in front of as if it would stop it. The beast stopped inches in front of my face, it snorted and said in an eerie tone "You've been the first living demigod I've seen in weeks," as a psychotic grin spread over it's face and took in another whiff, "Even better, daughter of Poseidon, you're not alone."

Before I could even ask a question she rammed me up against the cold stone wall. The impact took my breath away. When I was sprawled against the ground, gasping for air, she came for the kill. She came closer with her body swaying and with her stinger high and her teeth bared. I knew that this was the end. I should say my prayers but instead I want to fight back, but my ankle won't let that happen. As I sat on the ground I closed my eyes, I should've of kept them open, I could have a braver death. I heard something whiz past my ear and hit the creature in front of me and the monster let out a yelp. As I creaked open my eyes I saw that an arrow hit the monster.

"Touch her and I swear to the gods you'll be sorry." Leon said with an loaded arrow in his bow.

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