Chapter 12- Not the end

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Quick shoutout to SabrinaMalacara for the great support and comments and sweetdemonicorn for helping with ideas and also the support ❤

After Noah falls asleep. He stirs every once in a while but other then that he is pretty quiet and peaceful. I trail my fingers lightly across the bandage on his back knowing this one will lead to the worst.

I do hate that the word across his back is so bad that it will be permanent but at least he can't see it everyday unless he looks into a mirror. Right now all I'm grateful for is he is alive, he will eventually be okay and that he doesn't know the word yet.

Finn walks to my door knocking lightly on the frame. "Kurt?" I lightly shift so Noah is hugging into a pillow instead of my chest, just so i can move out to the hall to talk to my brother because with all that has happened its great that Noah can even sleep.

As i walk out Finn smiles. "What do you want?" It smells weird out here it sme--... "Finn what did you burn this time?" "Well i thought you were asleep because once you went up here with Noah it was deadly quiet. Oh and Burt had to go to the meeting in D.C for the week and Carole went with him. So i was alone and i didn't know what to do so i decided maybe i should start heading to bed"

Did he burn the bed or something. What the hell? "You usually make me warm milk before bed and we usually have a bit of a talk about anything and i really didn't want to disturb you and i may have sorta burnt the milk"

"You are seriously lucky you don't burn the house down its a miracle i swear." I head downstairs with him and go to the kitchen. I put some milk in a glass and press a few buttons on the microwave and leave it till i hear the beeping.

"There ya go" i say as i hand him the glass and head to the living room. "Wanna watch a movie? I'm not really tired and Noah is getting some rest." He eagerly nods his head and plops down beside me.

We settle on suicide squad because of Finn. After we were about halfway into the movie i hear screaming coming from my room which Noah is in. Finn jumps up spilling he popcorn he managed to not burn and ran upstairs.

I follow right behind him and look into my room. Noah is still deep in sleep but he is thrashing around and yelling words that i can only making out some of such as no and don't and also stop.

I rush to the side and try to wake him. "Noah its just a dream. You're safe and you're not in any danger please wake up." He keeps thrashing and doesn't calm down, not waking up. I struggle but manage to pin him down. (Guess sue and her cheerio training ways come in handy)

Finn runs out and comes back and splashes his face with water but just enough to hopefully wake him. He jumps up and yelps in pain. "No no no no" he keeps repeating over and over.

"Noah?" Finn and i say at the same time. "No no Karofsky a..and they were a..and i and then..." he doesn't stop and he keeps freaking out and cant finish a sentence.

His breathing is picking up and his sobbing is getting worse and the stuttering and the pained expression with the fear in his eyes. That's when i did what i never thought i would do in a million years especially with Puck.

Finns P.O.V

As me and Kurt rush upstairs to see what is going on the next thing i really know is Kurt using his strength to hold Noah down. I run to grab water and thank my grilled cheesus it worked.

He starts to rant and it works him up even more then he was when he was asleep and thrashing. The next thing i see shocked me and i was scared on what Noah's reaction would be.

Pucks P.O.V

After remembering Kurts words to me i am suddenly in a house that seems familiar. no it can't be, it couldn't be. "So you chose to come back. Good choice dear Noah." Oh no it is. I am in the house.

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