Chapter 21- Expressing feelings or more like supressing feelings

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Noahs pov

So yes like I said before I am in fact in love with the cutest boy at school the one and only Kurt Hummel

I sigh all the remembering was cool at first and I'm glad to not have permanent amnesia but now it's all taking it's toll on me giving me a headache while also making me slightly dizzy

I close my eyes to try and stop the room from spinning but I hear the creak of the door, opening one eye I see Finn and smile. He is like my brother yes Sam is amazing but me and Finn met first and he has been there for me even when Sam had some doubts

"Hey man how are you feeling" Finn stands there looking like the awkward Frankenteen he is "okay one sit down because you are giving me anxiety by just standing and two I remember everything again" I smile as he sits and gives me a smirk "that's good also you haven't heard but I'm sorta not dating Marley anymore but I do have someone now. Before you ask no I'm not saying but I'll invite them tonight , oh yeah! Burt ordered pizza and wings so sam, me, you, Kurt and my boyf- partner are gonna be there"

I smile noticing his slip up but choose to ignore it. I get up slowly and almost fall from the lack of coordination my brain has but instead of getting a face full of concrete I'm saved by someone.

I carefully regain my posture and look up to see Kurt keeping me stable and it instantly brings a smile to my face. " Hey there princess long time no see"

His face turns from worry which I'm guessing is me almost falling to confusion which is most likely since he doesn't know I have my memory back and then excitement well I guess he figured it out

He instantly pulls me into him while his scent of vanilla and honey fill my nose making me melt into the hug and want to snuggle into his chest

Kurt takes me to his navigator and Finn follows. I get into the back wanting Finn to be with his brother since I've mostly been between them since everything that has happened

When we get to the house I plop in the grey beanbag that is in Finn's room that he started to just call my favourite spot.

I decide to close my eyes for a min but feel someone lightly nudge my shoulder, the light nudges start to become more persistent so I turn over curling in a ball into the beanbag while letting out an annoyed groan

A light chuckle and I know by memory it's my princess. However I'm tired and my head still hurts so I choose to not wake up and decide to stay in my half asleep and half awake state

I feel the edge of the beanbag chair dip and get confused on what the little unicorn is up to but my question doesn't linger long when I feel the beans disappear and all I feel are too muscles supporting me....

Kurt is carrying me

I am much bigger how the hell is this kid carr-.... Cheer probably anyways I feel the light bouncing from going downstairs and feel myself be put on something soft that dips under me

Just as sleep begins to take me again I make sure to stay conscious enough to hear the soft mumbles going on

"Dad make sure he eats he's so thin and light that it's scaring me"
I know that's princess's voice

"He hasn't been eating Everytime I hang with him and the guys which is everyday other then Sundays because we get a break sometimes Saturday too he always dismisses the question saying he either already ate, he doesn't feel good or he's not hungry"
Damnit you hippo why Finn why - don't hate me I don't hate Finn he's not fat I'm just mad he is saying this to Kurt of all people

I feel light nudges again and a soft "puckerman" and open my eyes slowly to see Kurt smiling down at me "hey big guy you have been out for awhile want some food? Dinners here"

I lightly shake my head and see Kurt frown so I sigh and nod about to get up but get pushed back "stay" he says and walks off coming back with 2 plates of food one with a bunch of veggies and the other with a bunch of meat.

He holds both out me obviously taking the meat one and I take a bite. God all the grease and carbs are making me sick.

As I eat about 3 bites the thought of me being fat and all the unhealthiness of the pizza I run to the bathroom and it all comes up

I feel everything empty yet my stomach still feels the need to empty more, resulting in stomach acid coming up

I feel soothing touches on my back, light circle rubs but I know it's kurt. Finally not feeling the need to throw up anymore I sit back putting my knees up wrapping up in a ball letting out a small whimper

I feel myself be lifted off the ground and not caring who sees I curl in the arms of my saviour, the one I trust with my life and the love of my life.

He lays down on his bed and gently lays my head on his chest. I sigh and curl more into him knowing he knows what's going on even if he can't explain it.

For the first time that day I feel relaxed and cared for

I honestly thought nobody would read this but since I've been getting a few views hears another chapter for you guys ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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