Chapter 15- Hold on for me

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Pucks P.O.V

Even though its only been a week and a half this has been torture. I mean it's not emotionally bad as Karofsky and it isn't remotely close to being as physically bad as my dad but still it has a toll on me and i think I'm starting to lose myself.

My razor has been my best friend. I don't do anything as bad as to kill me but it goes as far as i get blurry and i start to feel weak. It has been here and has never left me ever since i came here.

Mr. Shue has visited me a few times but nobody else has. They probably forgot all about me or they are happy i am finally gone and out of their lives. I look at my arms and pull a sweater over my head to cover it so i don't need to look at it anymore.

I look at the razor placed on my sink counter and spin it around with my fingers. Maybe i should do more this time. Maybe i shouldn't stop when i get blurry or weak maybe i should keep going.

I grab the pills in my cabinet that i had stashed away and down the bottle with the help of my water bottle and lock the door. I grab the edge of the counter. This is different then the loss of blood.

It makes me feel more drowsy, more unstable. I fall to the floor not being able to stand anymore.

Sams P.O.V

I decide that i should talk to Mr. Shue i mean Puck hasn't been to school let alone glee club since last week. Its almost been a miss of 2 weeks. I walk to the choir room but don't see anybody.

The light in Mr. Shues office catches my eyes and i head to it and knock lightly on the door. "Hey Sam, glee doesn't start for another 2 hours what're you doing here so early?"

"Well i was just concerned about Noah i mean he hasn't been here and you seem completely normal about it but at the same time you're acting a bit different. Is everything okay?"

Mr. Shue sighs and gives me a saddened look. "He's in juvie Sam". No i must have just heard him wrong. Did he seriously say Puck is in juvie? No Puck isn't a bad person what could have he done to end up there.

"If you want we can go visit him? I'm sure he would enjoy seeing someone else and not just me for once. To know someone cares could mean the world to him. It has been hard on him Sam you can tell by the look. He gets out soon though because they made the deal of being there for 2 weeks."

I nod. I really do want to see him i mean he is one of my good friends and he can actually keep up with my heavy workouts. He doesn't talk much i get that because from what I've heard he has been through hell all i don't know is what that hell consists of.

Mr. Shue grabs his keys and walks out turning the light off and i follow right behind him. "Okay Sam Puck has been through a lot so lay of the 20 questions and avoid heavy topics." I nod and look out the window

It feels like forever till we reach the place and it honestly looks terrifying. We walk in and i hand in all the potential harmful stuff and so does Mr. Shue. I flash a smile and follow Mr. Shue since he's been here before and knows where to go whereas i have never been here and am completely lost.

We get to the room and knock but no sound. I walk in and see the bathroom door closed. I walk over to it and knock "heya PuckkyBoy it's ya boy Sam." Its deadly quiet so i try to open it but its either stuck or locked.

"Mr. Shue something's wrong he should have at least said something in acknowledgement but its silent" he walks over and tries to get the door open but it doesn't budge.

I use all my strength finally getting it to bust open and i see Noah on the floor barely breathing. I almost miss the small and hardly noticeable rise and fall movement in his chest.

"Noah!" Okay Sam you need to be calm you can't freak out you just can't you have to be okay for Noah and help him. "Mr. Shue he...he is barely... breathing." I am on the verge of tears trying to comprehend what is happening and what Noah did.

The paramedics burst through pushing me out of the way and the only reason im not going to go Lima heights like Santana at the moment is because i notice the empty pill bottle on the floor

I grab it and hand it to Mr. Shue and that's when i lose it. I start crying thinking about how Noah could think this let alone act upon it. I can't lose my best friend. I can't live knowing i wasn't there for him to help him through it.

Maybe if i tried to contact him more or maybe if i tried coming to Mr. Shue sooner. I sit in the corner and hug my knees hoping that we didn't find him too late and hoping he would be okay.

Mr. Shues voice is instantly going through my head with me not even paying attention to any of my surroundings let alone looking to Mr. Shue at the moment. "Sam lets go so we can meet them at the hospital and be there for Noah."

I slowly get up and walk to the car with Mr. Shue not even bothering with my stuff. Mr. Shue grabs the container and throws it into the back. He starts the car and we are driving as fast as we can to get there and be there for Noah because like Mr. Shue said we are the only family he really has.

I rush out of the car not even noticing Mr. Shue hasn't even parked it and run to reception. I manage to get out the two most important words i can but they are barley audible with how breathless i am at the moment. "Noah Puckerman."

The lady types on the computer and turns her attention to me. ""I'm very sorry sir but he is in a private location for family only." It doesn't even take me time to think because i find it true even if its not completely.

"I'm his brother Sam Puckerman i was going to visit him as a surprise and i found him, please i need to see him and see if he's okay." She looks at me a bit skeptically but nods. "Third floor room 309 sir."

I know it might come off a bit rude but i need to see Noah i run to the elevator to be stopped by Mr. Shue he goes to the receptionist dragging me along completely ignoring my protests.

"Hi I'm William Puckerman, Noah Puckerman's father. Before me and my son here go see him can we please have some Intel on what is going on with him. Deciding to play along with this and get into character so we don't get caught

"Dad lets just go see him and we can ask a doctor up there." Okay calling my glee teacher dad is something i never thought i would ever do and i really don't like it no matter how much of a father he is to us i don't like it. It is completely weird. And a little disturbing.

She informs us that he did indeed over dose and that he needs some rest. She said that he would be able to check out his 'son' from the hospital once they are sure that his system is okay and that he has no horrible effects from it.

We head to his room finally and i rush in. I notice all the wires connected to him and his breathing is still un-normally slow. It silently kills me on the inside. I turn around and leave not being able to handle seeing him this way. So broken and almost dead looking.

As i run out the entrance i bump into someone. 'Watch it i got razors blade all over--... SAM!?" I look and see Santana. She pushes my guitar in my hands and smiles. "Mr. Shue texted a few of us and i knew you like to sing your emotions so here"

I smile at her. Even though we never worked out because she turned out to play for the other team she still managed to be a dear friend. I walk with her and say that she is our cousin.

I start to strum the strings on the guitar into a familiar sound. I sang this in glee but it mean more then ever right now. I start the words to heroes and Santana joins in with a similar melody with the notes to if i die young. Mr. Shue also joining me with heroes.

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