February 13th [2018] / / Violet

32 4 10

"Chimmy!" An extremely cheerful, wine haired boy yelled whilst chasing his best friend, the one and only Jimin, down the school corridor.

"What's pimping, Hobi-wan Kenobi?" The other responded, turning around to face the personified ball of sunshine that was zooming towards him at superhuman speed. Hoseok simply rolled his eyes, the expression a refreshing addition to his usually smile-ridden features.

"That's the third pun you've made off of my name this week, are you genuinely trying to make me cringe myself to death?" Hope exclaimed, running his painted nails through his smooth locks before quickly embracing the smaller boy. The taller had settled on a mustard yellow color, practically begging Jimin to reference McDonald's whenever they'd managed to talk to each other.

They didn't have any classes together, the eternally grinning boy being two years older than Park, but that didn't stop them from somehow finding the time for each other despite their extremely demanding schedules.

Jimin had met the cherry-haired boy back when he was five years old, the two being inseparable ever since their very first play date in a nearby park that had always seemed to be overflowing with various violet flowers accompanied by their enticing scents.

"We've been friends for eleven years and you still haven't gotten used to my heinous ways? I think I need to reconsider this relationship." The smaller boy scoffed, turning around on his heel to leave only to be pulled back by his collar.

"Yeah, yeah. You've been reconsidering it for as long as we've known each other. I think we're doing good." Hoseok deadpanned, his angelic tone dripping in sarcasm. "Anyway, I was going to officially invite you to the party I'll be throwing because, you know, ya boi was born."

"If you think you need to invite me, you're severely mistaken because I'd come to crash your orgy even if you didn't." Jimin laughed, sending the boy a wink as he reached for his keys, inserting the proper one into his locker door, opening the storage unit carefully.

The rose-haired threw his books into the compartment before closing it hastily and walking out of school with the older boy by his side.

"It's not an orgy, dimwit." Hoseok chuckled along lightheartedly, absentmindedly tapping his fingers against his phone's screen.

"You say that every year yet I always seem to catch you grinding on someone." Jimin retorted with a cheeky smirk lining his cute features, only making the older blush as he hid his face in his gloved hands.

"Aish, don't expose me like that." Hope scolded teasingly, attempting to conceal the bright red color of his skin using his sense of humor. "It's my birthday, I can do what I want."

"Who you want." Park corrected, pinching the taller's side with a lopsided grin etched onto his features, the expression reaching his eyes. "So... Can I bring a plus one?" The small boy nonchalantly inquired, almost causing the cherry-haired to choke on his spit.

"You want to bring a WHAT NOW?" The other boy asked, not believing his ears for a single second. "Park Jimin, you aRE, LIKE, FIVE YEARS OLD." Hoseok exclaimed, over exaggeratedly throwing his hands into the air as a distressed expression clouded with amusement climbed onto his face.

"I'm eleven so shut the fuck up."


"Hey, Minnie?" The small boy called out the second the he noticed a familiar, mint-haired boy strolling into the record store. The sepia-eyed only hummed in response, shuffling through various new discs in an attempt to find something up his alley.

"You want to go to my friend's party with me?" Jimin continued, making his way over to the boy. The older's eyes had snapped up to meet Park's, the taller's face resembling that of a deer caught in headlights.

"U-ummm... I'm not really good with parties." Yoongi admitted, placing the discs back down on their racks. He noticed the younger's features losing their previous glow, his smile slightly dropping. "B-but I can become good with parties for you, babes!" He reassured, Jimin's puppy eyes working on him the second they found their way onto the pink-haired's face.

The smaller instanter brightened up, placing a light kiss on Min's plump lips. Jimin snuggled his head into the other boy's warm neck, smiling against his pale skin.

"Don't worry, it's probably only going to be a small gathering with a few people anyway."



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