Road Trip (Sweet Pea Headcanon)

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A Road Trip with Sweet Pea would include:

-Sweet Pea letting you choose the music because he loves to hear you sing

-even if you're bad at it

-Him singing certain songs with you

-not because he likes them but because he knows them by heart since you always play the same five songs

-Bickering with Sweet Pea over being lost

-"Admit it we're lost"

-"We are not lost. We are simply taking the scenic route"

-"We wouldn't need to take the scenic route if you just let me use my GPS"


-Feeding each other snacks while the other is driving

-Often wasting snacks by throwing them at each other and laughing

-Instead of punching each other whenever you saw a buggy

you would kiss

-So many kisses, for no other reason other than wanting to

-Holding hands while driving

-or Sweet Pea resting his hand on your thigh

-Having a flat tire

-Good thing there was a spare

-You insisting you could change the tire yourself

-Struggling because the bolts on the tires are on really tight

-But not giving up

-Sweet Pea checking you out while you change the tire because it's sexy af

-"I could not be any more turned on right now"

-"Yes because changing a tire is so sexy"

-Proceeding to wipe your dirty hands on him


-Running around the car laughing with Sweet Pea chasing you

-Him catching up to you and attacking you with more kisses

-Being glad to make it home in one piece


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Riverdale sideblog: @lonely-full-of-secrets

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