Forbidden Serpents (Toni Headcanon)

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-You were new to Riverdale and you were starting at Southside High

-You lived with your dad since your mom wasn't in the picture and you didn't have any siblings

-On your first day of school as you were putting away your textbooks in your new locker a sudden flash of a camera scared you

-"Sorry, candid photography is sorta my thing. I take pictures of what I like."

-The girl gives you a friendly but flirty smile

-All you could do was stare at the pink haired girl in front of you

-She was so pretty

-Why was she even talking to you

-You were nobody

-Wait did she just ask you a question?

-She looked at you expectantly with an amused smile on her face

-You shook away your thoughts "hm?"

-She chuckled, "I said I'm Toni Topaz," she offered her hand up for you to shake.

-You blushed, "Y/n y/l/n"

-"Are you always this adorable?" she asked

-which only made you blush even harder

-And that was how your relationship went, with Toni ALWAYS flirting with you

-That same day she introduced you to her (Serpent) friends Fangs and Sweet Pea (because apparently she was in a gang)

-It was kind of hard to imagine the pink haired beauty as a gang member

-but her leather jacket with the Southside Serpents emblem proved it

-Fangs and Sweet Pea also adorned similar jackets

-They were something else, funny but definitely odd

-and they quickly became very protective of you since Toni took you under her wing

-A couple of weeks later Toni asked if you wanted to go to Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe after school

-You quickly agreed but later regretted it

-Was this a date?

-You weren't sure and that made you nervous

-When you got there, you tried to act as casual as possible

-You've hung out several times without it being weird

-so this shouldn't be any different, right?

-but then again Sweet Pea and Fangs were always there too...

-this would be the first time it was just the two of you

-You didn't want to read too much into it and just enjoyed your time together

-You ate and had milkshakes for dessert

-then talked for a couple of hours about anything and everything

-she also made you laugh so much that you thought you had developed abs

-Afterwards she offered to walk you home since it was getting dark

-You were nearing your house when Toni got kind of serious

-"Okay so I'm just going to come out and say it. Y/n, I really like you but I'm getting conflicting signals here. If you just want to be friends let me know"

-By then you had reached your front door and you both stopped and faced each other

-"So, was this a date?" you asked

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