Chapter 9

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The drive to town was very awkward. I hadn't been able to bring myself to apologize to Levi the way I'd intended to after I left Minnie in the kitchen.

Levi definitely deserved an apology, but I couldn't seem to find the right words or decide how to begin. I needed to explain my actions somehow, but I couldn't go into detail, and what did that leave me with to tell him that would make sense? A simple "I'm sorry" seemed far too small a gesture to atone for my behavior.

All I'd been able to do was open my mouth a few times to apologize, but after quickly deciding that the words were all wrong, I changed my mind and closed my mouth again. Usually with a flush in my cheeks, realizing how strange I must have looked to him.

He obviously sensed that something had changed, and judging by the way he would throw curious and semi-concerned glances my way, he couldn't decide if it was a good or bad change.

"Here we are," he said, pulling the horses to a stop in front of the General Store. "I shouldn't be more than a half an hour or so. I'll meet you here when I'm done."

With a nod, I was about to jump to the ground but stopped, knowing that the more time I allowed to pass would only make the situation more uncomfortable and embarrassing.

"Levi, I'm..." I started before realizing that I still had no idea what to say.

His eyebrows pulled together and I felt that heat rise in my face again.

"I'll see you then," I said instead.

"You alright?" he asked as I swung my legs over the side of the wagon.

"Fine." I looked over my shoulder with a forced smile.

Jumping to the ground and hurrying away, I made myself ignore the skeptical look on his face and not turn around again until I was safely inside the store.


The store wasn't tiny, but it wasn't overly large either and the owner, Mr. Noble was very helpful. He practically had my list memorized and since he said this was Minnie's usual day to come shopping, he'd already set most of the things I needed aside. They waited in two large crates by the door, ready to go.

Thanks to Mr. Noble's consideration, after finding the few items that he hadn't anticipated, I was free to shop for myself while I waited for Levi.

I was happy to learn that the shoes weren't very expensive, and with the money left over, I was able to pick out material to make myself some new clothes as well as a few other necessary things. Normally, I never would have dreamed of spending so much of Minnie's money on myself, and I wouldn't do it in the future, but in my haste to leave Charles, I brought very little with me. In the months following, I hadn't acquired very much money either. I'd basically had enough for food and shelter and eventually the boat and train tickets that allowed me to come here.

But Minnie did say I could have the money as a salary, not that I would take it after today. Once I had the necessities, I could make due on very little money. Especially considering that I had food and a place to live already.

"Well, hello Miss Annie!"

Startled, I jumped and looked up to see Mr. Snedeker, smiling brightly at me from across the table that was covered in various fabrics I'd been perusing.

"Oh, hello." I forced myself to sound pleasant.

"Out shopping today?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. What else would I be doing in the General Store?

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