Chapter 20

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"Miss Annie!" The children came pouring out of the house the second the wagon came to a stop. Levi jumped down from the wagon and then helped me to the ground just in time for the children to attack.

Joshua was the first to reach me. He threw his arms around my waist seconds before Cassie, Phoebe, and Oliver did the same. I attempted to hug them back, but it was impossible to get my arms around them all at once. After a moment, they released me for Hannah and Jack and then Lilah to take a turn. After which, little Susan held up her arms, demanding to be picked up and wearing a wide grin.

Feeling enormously touched by the rare open display of love from the little girl, I swept her into my arms and held her tightly. She rested her head on my shoulder, apparently content to stay right where she was for a while. I rubbed her back, smiling at Minnie and Abigail who had joined us a little more slowly than the children had.

"We were so worried!" Cassie said. "We didn't know a thing until Minnie and Miss Abigail came back. But that was ages ago. What took so long?"

I felt guilty for not taking their worry into consideration, but honestly, I doubt that I'd have been able to focus on another thing. Of course, once she knew exactly what we'd been doing, she wouldn't mind so much.

"Well," I said nervously before glancing at Levi who was attempting not to grin.

"Hey, why's he here?" Oliver said bluntly, watching Jasper dismount his horse. He hadn't meant to be rude, but everyone who'd come for the picnic had gone home a while ago, and Jasper didn't typically show up like this. Especially not when he basically just left. So Oliver's curiosity was understandable.

"Manners, Oliver," Minnie gently scolded.

Oliver glanced at her before looking at Jasper again. "Howdy Sheriff!" he tried again. "Wha'cha doin' here?"

The adults all laughed, but of course, the reason Jasper was here wasn't exactly his news to share so he just looked at Levi and me, clearly wondering what to say.

"Well Oli-" Levi started.

"Oh, Miss Annie!" Phoebe interrupted him, sounding dreamy and grabbing my hand. "What a beautiful ring! Where'd you get it?"

Levi and I exchanged a quick glance before I bit my lip and looked at everyone else.

Phoebe picked up on our excitement, but she still didn't quite know why and she waited for an answer.

It was easy to see that Minnie and Abigail understood right away. They looked overjoyed, but not terribly surprised.

But then I remembered Abigail winking at Levi before, and I couldn't help wondering if there was anything at all that these women didn't know.

After a second, Cassie gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, looking excited.

I grinned and nodded at the three of them, confirming what they'd guessed.

Cassie squealed and threw her arms around me again before Minnie embraced me and then Abigail. Abigail paused before she moved away. She touched my cheek and looked on the verge of tears.

"I'm so happy for you," she said and then went to hug Levi.

"What's going on?" Oliver demanded, looking quite disgruntled. The rest of the children seemed equally confused.

"What's going on, Oli," Levi smiled down at him. "Is that Miss Annie and I are getting married."

Oliver looked stunned as did the rest of the children. Other than Cassie, of course.

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