Chapter 21

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From the moment I set foot in the house, it was a whirlwind of activity. I was whisked away by Abigail and Minnie to get ready, and before I knew it, we stood near the oak tree out back as Jasper asked Levi that very important question.

It was especially beautiful as the day was coming to a close, and the sky was streaked with a rainbow of breathtaking colors.

There wasn't a hope that my eyes would stay dry, but at least I was able to hold most of my emotions at bay, only having to wipe away a stray tear every few minutes.

Levi stared into my eyes as he waited to say those two words, and I marveled at how drastically my life had changed in one short day.

When I woke up this morning, I had been married to Charles. I'd resigned myself to a life without romance and where Levi could only ever be my friend. I'd been working at being happy, but I'd only managed to attain a state of semi-contentment that I believed was the best I could expect for a long time. Now, even before sunset, Levi would be my husband and I felt euphoric. I saw a long, happy life ahead of me with a man I couldn't imagine it being possible to love any more. There would be romance in my future and possibly children of my own.

It was incredible.

I was so in awe of the magnitude of it all and caught up in the splendor of hearing Levi promising to love and cherish and protect me forever, that I nearly forgot my plan to surprise him.

Jasper turned to me after Levi said, "I do," and I held up a finger, signaling for him to wait a moment. Leaning over, I whispered my secret in his ear, and when I pulled away, Jasper smiled in response.

Levi watched me, looking intrigued and I bit my lip.

"And do you," Jasper resumed the ceremony, taking special care to enunciate his next words. "Rose Anne Abrams, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband."

Levi turned his widened eyes to Jasper before bringing his surprised gaze back to me, and I grinned.

Levi had been teasing before about knowing that Annie was an alias, and even though he never asked outright, it was easy to tell that he wished to know my real name. I'd left Charles' name out of it, but I was glad to be able to give him that. And honestly, I couldn't have planned for a better time to do it. Or a better reaction from him.

He blinked for a moment, still looking stunned, before he smiled brilliantly and gently squeezed my hand in his.

So beautiful was that moment, that I hardly even heard the rest of the vows, and barely managed to answer with "I do", when the time came.

"Then by the power vested in me," Jasper said. "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may-"

Levi didn't wait to be told. He closed the small distance between us and kissed me, placing his hand on my lower back.

Our audience giggled and cheered and after a pause where he laughed as well, Jasper finished his sentence.

"Kiss the bride," he said, still chuckling.

Oliver waited only a moment before he threw his arms around mine and Levi's legs. We broke apart and smiled down at him seconds before rice rained down on us from handfuls everyone had hidden behind their backs.

Levi and I laughed and ducked, shielding our faces. When we noticed everyone reaching into pockets for more handfuls, Levi gently pushed Oliver away before grabbing my hand and quickly running out of dodge.

Feeling like a child, I laughed and allowed myself to be pulled along. When we were a little distance away, Levi stopped running and leaned down to kiss me again, making our spectators clap and cheer some more.

"Well, Mrs. James," Levi said, after a wonderfully long few moments where the whole world had completely disappeared. "Shall we go home?"

Thrilled by both my new name and the thought of really and truly having a home with Levi, I beamed.



I almost thought Levi was enjoying the fact that he only had one good arm at the moment. I drove the horses while he sat next to me for the relatively short ride to the house, playing with my hair and leaning over to kiss me every few minutes.

When we arrived, I was awed again by the beauty of the house - my house, even if only temporarily. It felt like a dream.

"Should I take care of the horses?" I wondered, as Levi helped me to the ground. I'd never attempted the task before, but would he be able to do it with one arm?

"I'll do it in a bit," he said, leading me to the front door.

Once we stood on the porch, he released my hand and opened the door. I thought he meant for me to go first, but he stopped me.

"Do me a favor and put your arms around my neck," he said.

I laughed at his unusual request but gladly obliged.

"Hang on tight," he said, making me look at him curiously.

Placing his uninjured arm around my waist, he bent down a little before squeezing me to his body and quickly lifting my feet from the ground.

"Levi, what in the world?" I laughed and hung on tightly as instructed.

"Tradition," he grunted, shuffling us across the threshold. Once inside, he set me down and looked proud of himself.

"Nicely done," I said with another laugh.

He grinned and leaned down to kiss me.

When he straightened up, he was unable to keep from groaning a bit and suddenly I wasn't feeling so joyous anymore.

"I knew you were in pain," I accused. "I wish you'd have taken something from the doctor. Maybe I can go back into town and get it now."

I moved to go back outside but Levi caught my arm.

"I'm fine," he said. "It hurts some, but it's bearable."

"I don't want it to hurt at all," I said. "You don't have to be a hero, Levi. You already were one today."

He chuckled. "I'm not being a hero. It's really not too bad. I promise."

I pursed my lips, not buying it.

Levi huffed. "Anything the doctor could give me would make me sleep for about a week and not remember my own name. And I have no intention of allowing either one of those things to happen at this particular moment."

"You're so stubborn," I said, unable to keep from smiling a little.

"No argument there," he smirked, proud of himself. "I also happen to be starving, so why don't you see what we could eat while I take care of the horses."

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