Chapter 22

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"That was delicious," Levi said, leaning back in his chair after he finished eating.

"You, sir, are a liar," I said. "It was terrible and you know it."

The bread was a little stale and since I wasn't used to the stove, I'd let the chicken stay in too long and it was tough and chewy. The vegetable were the only part that wasn't overcooked or stale and I'd accidentally added too much salt.

"Maybe it was the company." He smiled at me. "Because my meal was wonderful."

This was such an amazing transition from what my marriage to Charles had been. With Charles, everything could have been completely perfect, and he would always find something to criticize. Apparently Levi would have been content if I was a terrible cook.

I was grateful that he'd still been tending the horses when I had my mild panic attack as I prepared to make the meal. It had just been so overwhelming, thinking of making dinner for my husband, that I'd been unable not to revert for few terrible minutes and feel an overpowering sense of dread. But then I remembered that Levi was nothing like Charles, and I was fine.

I just hoped that Charles wouldn't be intruding on my mind after this. All I needed was a few days to get used to the fact that Levi and I were married, and everything would be fine.

Unable to help it, I grinned back at him. "When you put it that way, I agree, this was a wonderful meal."

He stared back at me for a moment before frowning at the table.

"What?" I wondered.

"I'd like to be a real hero and do the dishes," he said. "But I'm pretty sure I'd break everything."

Laughing, I stood and collected the plates and silverware.

"As it happens, I don't mind doing the dishes," I said.

Considering that it was our wedding night, it was tempting to just forget about the dishes until tomorrow, but I wanted to do everything perfectly while we were staying in Abigail's home.

There weren't many dishes and I worked quickly, but as I was about half done, I noticed that Levi was focused on me.

"What?" I turned to look at him.

He was leaning on the table, his head resting on his hand, just watching me.

"Nothing." He smiled.

"Aren't you bored?" I said, feeling self conscious.

"I am anything but bored."

Shaking my head, I turned back to the sink to finish up.

Once everything was draining beside the sink, I dried my hands and walked over to Levi.

He stood and placed his hand under my chin to kiss me.

"I could really get used to doing that anytime I feel like it," he said pulling away with a smile.

"Well I certainly won't complain." I grinned back.

Just because he could, he kissed me again.

When he leaned away, I was about to make a fairly bold comment about what else we might do, but something flashed in Levi's eyes, making me hold back.

I looked at him curiously, but he only smiled and took my hand, leading me into the living room.

"What would you like to do?" He released my hand and went to open a box near the window. Peering into the box he said, "there's dominoes or checkers. Or there's a few books if you'd like to read."

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