Chapter 24

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Dwindling food and other supplies made it impossible for Levi and I to stay secluded for more than a few days. After stopping to see Abigail, Minnie, and the children, and telling a very disappointed Oliver that he wasn't able to join us yet, we headed into town to do some shopping.

"Levi, Annie!" Mr. Noble said in greeting. "Heard you two tied the knot already!"

Levi and I exchanged a smile before looking back at Mr. Noble.

"That, we did," Levi said.

"Congratulations!" Mr. Noble said before barking a short laugh. "Guess you weren't kiddin' about needin' that ring so quick."

"No, Sir." Levi grinned.

"I'm real happy for ya," he said. "Let me see what I got fer a weddin' present."

Despite Levi and I assuring Mr. Noble, again and again, that he didn't need to give us a gift, we wound up owning a very pretty tea set. It was much too expensive for him to simply give away, but he refused to take no for an answer, and I was glad. I honestly wouldn't have taken it if he hadn't been so insistent, but it was the first thing that belonged to both Levi and me. And I thought it was just perfect considering that the first thing Levi had ever given me was tea.

After failing to refuse Mr. Noble's generous gift, Levi left me alone for a little while to take care of some business while I did the shopping.

"Thank goodness things worked out the way they did," Mr. Noble said to me after Levi had left. "I thought that boy was gonna die of a broken heart when he told me he couldn't use the ring."

I smiled sadly, thinking of Levi having to do that. And I never had any idea.

"That would have made two of us," I said.

"I guess there'll be plenty of broken hearts 'round town now though." He chuckled and I couldn't help smiling at that. I knew a few women had their eye on Levi, especially Elizabeth Thompson, and I was the one who'd gotten him.

I made sure we had everything we needed, and after roughly twenty minutes, I went outside to meet Levi. Like he said he would be, he was there with the wagon, but he wasn't alone. My eyes narrowed at the woman who was clearly flirting with my husband. Again.

Granted Elizabeth Thompson had never flirted with Levi while he'd been my husband, but that was just a technicality. And honestly! Didn't she know how to simply talk? Did she have to flirt?

I wasn't jealous exactly, but I wasn't happy about it either.

As I approached, she laughed falsely at something Levi said. He wasn't trying to be funny. He was just answering her question, but she still laughed. A second later, she touched his arm, allowing her hand to linger, and I felt like smacking it away. Hard.

Instead, I went to stand beside him, wearing a forced smile for Elizabeth. Levi looked down and I was gratified to see relief rather than guilt in his eyes.

Elizabeth stopped whatever she was saying and looked at me, clearly thinking I was being rude.

"Miss Annie," she said, forcing her own smile and grudgingly removing her hand. "How lovely to see you. Levi and I were just talking." She obviously hoped I would take the hint and go away.

"I'm terribly sorry," I lied. "But I'm afraid we have to be getting home."

She tried to hide it, but the surprise still registered in her eyes at my words and I could tell she was trying to figure out if I'd meant them the way they sounded - that Levi and I would be going home together.

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