Chapter 15

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The following Sunday when Levi drove the children and I into town for church, he stopped me before I could step down from the wagon.

"If you're still interested, you're welcome to come along with me," he said.

I smiled at the unexpected offer. "I'd like that."

Levi smiled back before he called to Jack, who had nearly reached the building.

"Miss Annie won't be joining you today," he said when Jack turned around. "Let Cassie know."

"Alright." Jack nodded and walked up the front steps before disappearing inside.

Levi urged the horses into a trot and I was suddenly very excited. Church had become something that I'd resigned myself to, expecting it to be tolerable at best, but now I was on my way to Levi's church. There would be no pretension and no people to be wary of like Mr. Snedeker.

Levi drove us back the way we'd come, continuing on passed the house. I'd never gone much further down the road, so I was interested as new houses began appearing.

I knew when we were coming up on our destination by the few wagons parked in front of the lovely cottage that was surrounded by flowers. It was maybe a mile from Minnie's home.

Levi pulled into the dirt driveway, and I lept from the wagon seat as soon as he put the break on. Laughing at my exuberance, he came around the wagon to meet me.

"Ready?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

I nodded happily and we went inside.

They'd already started and I felt my face warm as everyone turned to look at Levi and me in the doorway.

I'm not sure what I was expecting. I knew it wasn't a traditional church since Levi told me as much, but I think I still had the idea of one in my mind. But this just seemed like a large group of people visiting whoever lived here. It could have just as easily been a sewing circle. They all sat on chairs and stools around the spacious living room, and there didn't appear to be anyone in particular leading them.

Levi was one of the only men in the group, and the women ranged widely in age. Some looked to be about my age, and a few had stooped shoulders and graying hair.

I recognized a few of the women, including Minnie and Abigail, but I'd never seen most of them before.

There was one open seat beside Abigail, and Levi urged me to take it. Eager to cease being the focus of everyone's attention, I quickly sat. Abigail offered me a kind smile and I gladly returned it.

"For those of you who don't know," she said to the room. "This is Annie."

My face flushed again, but as I looked around, everyone seemed just as warm and welcoming as Abigail, and I felt myself relax.

"We're glad you could join us, Annie," she said. "The way we do things is probably very different from what you're used to. We don't have a reverend, and so we just allow anyone to say whatever they feel led to say, be it a special Bible verse that spoke to them recently, a prayer request, or something they want to praise God for."

"Or a song they want to sing," another woman with dark blonde hair added, causing a few of the ladies to laugh.

"Or a song," Abigail agreed with a smile. "Sadie has requested that we sing In the Garden, and we were just about to start when you joined us. Feel free to add anything you like afterward."

Everyone began to sing, and I gladly joined in, already knowing I was in the right place.

About half-way through the chorus, I began wondering about Levi. Peeking back, I saw him casually leaning against the wall, singing along, and I felt guilty. Apparently, I'd taken his seat.

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