Beastology and Stuffs like that

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(General term / male) Castors (females = witches):

Commonly found as a gene -though exceptions are also found.

Castors by birth usually are more powerful than the ones who develop their powers or are given powers. Nonetheless, they still have the same powers and abilities:
- casting spells and charms
- teleporting themselves and others by means of a black mist
- self healing
- immortality (exceptions have been found)
- difficult to kill (exceptions to mortals / decapitation doesn't often work on the immortals; often a head would grow back and the other would immediately rot away)
- immune to mountain ash, vervain, wolfsbane, holy water, wood and silver. Only plant known to be affective on them is burning sage.
Even with this gene found commonly in a family, there is no guarantee that all the members will inherit the Gift.

The only cannibals that turn us on!

Obviously, blood is their main source of sustenance. Regular food -to them- is revolting, hence they don't touch it. However, alcohol, mostly whiskey and brandy, are consumed when they try to resist the blood of someone in close proximity -assuming they can't control their thirst. Or because they're vainly getting drunk -they can't get drunk due to healing too quickly.

Eyes turn red and the area around them turn black when their bloodlust is at its peak. When a human is awakened (turned into a vampire) they're bloodlust is what either completely turns them, if they choose to be immortal, or kills them, if they don't take blood or enough of it.

Killed with anything sharp AND wooden. Nobody's ever killed one with silver and lived to tell the tale but it does hurt a little. Like hickey-type of agony. A plant like vervain -a widely distributed herbaceous plant with blue, purple or white flowers from the Verbena officinalis family- has also been known to be lethal to them.

Canines are retractable.


There are two classes of werewolf; Shifters and Lycans.
- only change on the night of a full moon
- develop: sharper canines, yellow irises that glow and fur develops around the neck and temples
-heal slightly slower than witches.

- can change at will
- their shift consists of two stages: lupus and canis. Canis is how the shifters turn and lupus is when they change into complete and actually wolves.
- in the canis stage, alpha eyes are red, betas are yellow and omegas -lone wolves- purple
- heal within ten seconds of injury (exceptions to wolfsbane)

Though different, both species are vulnerable to wolfsbane -a northern European aconite with purple, yellow, green or pink flowers. Also part of the Genus acontium family. Packs have only one alpha, exceptions to Alpha Packs based on the dominant alpha.

Alpha canines have been recorded to grow of lengths up to 5 cm (2 inches)


Basically they're humans that are cursed.

They can only be created but in a number of ways:
- a vampire bite that neither awakened nor killed the victim
- the witch gene which was not completely inherited
- the victim was brought back from the dead.

They're usually plagued by visions of genocides, suicides, war and torture. Due to this, they stay away from places like Iraq and Nazi Germany. Few can cast spells and charms but many can disappear through the black mist of castors.

Aero Castors:

You know that secretive friend, neighbor or relative with the animal tattoo on their right wrist? Yeah, they're an Aero castors.

They're born with this 'tattoo.' If you look closely at it, it moves. This isn't actually a tattoo, it's a ruin. The bearers of ruins were born the animal in question. They later develop into humans called Aero castors.

The strength of Aero castors' magic depends solely on their kingdom group. Reptiles are the most powerful followed by mammals, fish, amphibians, arachnids and sponges.

The very first Aero to be exposed to normal humans was a man called Trynan. A scientist studied him as a primate and he began to develop in front of this scientist, hence the rumors on 'evolution.'


They're Angels, in a sense. White wings, radiant skin and a house full of feathers! They're like guardians of the normal world. They're hunters that hunt the supernatural. They'll kill you if you kill, torture or harm a human in any way.

Unfortunately, not much is none about them, they're impossible to find and ruthless in 'retaining balance.'

Dominions can only be born. They're a family with a special type of gene -like witches- however, this gene takes everyone in the family. Thus far, it's a burden due to torture they go through like brutally chopping off the wings of those who go against the Code.



Bond: somebody whose sins feed the darkness of somebody else, namely witches. The darkness can come in a variety of ways: a family curse, abusive past or -in Monroe's case- you were born with unbalanced powers. Which means your emotive magic -magic caused from powerful emotions- and your pulsed magic -natural magic e.g voodoo- aren't balanced causing clashes with your aura. The clashes form dark waves around the soul -the darkness.

Unpierced: somebody that's never been bitten by a vampire or werewolf, or anything with fangs.

Evaporate: an ability in castors -magic users- to create black mist and teleport from one place to another.

Circle: a group of witches / sorcerers that do magic together in secret in order to achieve a common goal.

Spells (translated):

Kauma: Calm; be still
Tod macian: make dead; send to Death
Vinden neuter: Find it
Restare ein pais: Rest in peace
Travail ein pais en salvus: travel in peace and safety
Forgietan: forget; lose memory of
Folgian Ay: follow me, journey with me

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