Founders' Day Celebration

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Monroe woke up naked in the arms her mate - who was clearly awake and still not phased by her confession. The worn out blanket that merely covered her chest and barely her womanhood was carelessly removed from Dominic's toned physique, allowing Monroe a full view of his nakedness.

He laid oh his side, facing her thoughtful expression. She didn't budge when he moved and merely continued to think. Her mind was set on the prowler: how to find her before the dominions find Lucas; how to trap her; how to stop her. Destroying her's the easy part, it's getting there that's the problem.

Dominic ran a hand through her hair, rescuing her from her pensive state. "How do you think your family will feel about you being mated to a Lycanthrope," he asked as she swiftly straddled him. "The De La Core coven is one of the original witch families of our world and lycans like me are... Vermin."

She let out out a soft moan as the blanket gracefully slipped down to her waist, like silk in a light breeze. "My family's the last thing I want to talk about, right now." He grunted, grabbing her waist before rotating to pin her to the mattress. "I'm yours forever," she whispered into his ear. "There's nothing they can do about it. Not unless there's a spell powerful enough to bend the Rules of the Balance." He kissed her, wildly as his nature took her.

The metal sliding door shrieked on its rail as Stephen ferociously whipped it open, revealing the naked couple. Frightened and out of breath, Monroe scrunched up the blanket and held it against her body. "To say I'm disappointed would be an immense and discrepant understatement," was all he said before sternly modeling to them and dragging Monroe away from Dominic. "I told you to stay away from him! Dorothea'd kill us both if she ever saw this, you know that!"

Monroe pulled her wrist out of his grasp, breaking the bone in the process but it healed almost instantly. "I don't care what grandmother thinks," she hissed as her clothing reappeared, perfectly fitted as it was the previous day. "When I left New Orleans, I left the De La Cores."

Stephen tried to grab her again but she fling him towards the wall. Instead of slamming back first into it, Monroe's black mist captured him and he reappeared in Northern San Francisco. She turned back to Dominic with small smirk before kneeling next to him. He delicately pulled her into his arms, keeping her there briefly.

"I'll see you at Mercy Park," he declared huskily.

"I thought you don't go to Founders' Day."

He shook his head lightly, "I'm only going for you. To help you find your father."

With a small smile, she kissed his cheek before vanishing into a ball of black mist. She appeared in a bedroom; cream walls, pinewood headboard, closet and shelves, red bedspread and ivory tiles. Inside the room was, a witch, an aero castor and a sorceress. Koh was standing behind Mona, spinning her dreadlocks into a bun while Mona merely sat and watched through the mirror. While Aden sat with a black cat that hissed at him.

"About damn time," Aden's voice hissed, dressed in a black suit with a black shirt and no tie. "Take it, before I rip it in half," he ordered as he stuffed her black cat into her chest.

"Binx," she sighed as she took him. He merely purred in her arms as he buried his head into her elbow. She turned to Koh and Mona, both in bath robes, clearly not wearing much underneath them. "Does the entire town take Founders' Day seriously," she asked.

Mona stood up while Koh let her dyed black bob cut down from the braid it was in. "We only enjoy going because of the witchcraft," Mona replied humored by her friend's ignorance. "In the town's history, there's faint traces of witchcraft."

"Plus Mercy Park Hall gives us this massive surge of energy, like a high," Koh added.

Monroe nodded, "now I'm interested." Koh smirked then turned towards the closet while Aden - unnoticeably - left the room. Mona pulled out her makeup box while Koh laid out their dresses and Monroe jumped into the shower.

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