Vervain Vodka

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The following day, Monroe did everything she could to ignore James, his aura and the stench of his anxiety that was elicited from Lucas' sudden disappearance. Koh and Aden were clearly bunking for the day and Mona was seldom in Monroe's classes. Dallas, who was a freshman and wanted nothing more to see Monroe, was stuck in physics.

Monroe quickly hastened out of English, hoping to avoid both Amun and James. Avoiding Amun would be easy; no student apart from James actually hung around his class. James was more difficult because he could track in more ways than just scent. He could find her by the black aura she radiated - the only other person with a black aura in town was Dominic.

She had to stop by her locker; her world history books were accidentally forgotten about but she didn't want to. It would've given James the opening he needed and she couldn't just he's them out of her locker because the pages would detach from the spine. An effect she hasn't yet perfected.

A little folded paper tumbled from the single shelf down to her black leather Doc Martin's. With a sigh she picked it up to read, 'I think you're beautiful and brave, even with your dark demeanor. I'd really like to get to know you better so if you'd like, I want to take you out on a date. D'.

With a sigh, she set the note alight with the lighter she pulled out of thin air. "Incestuous," she commented out loud.

Who should be the one to rush up to her but Dallas. His murky gray aura filled with deep red speckles near his physique. "Hey," he greeted dully as she slammed the metal door shut, the smell of burned paper filling his nostrils. "It's weird, isn't? Us being brother and sister," he asked a while after they started walking. After letting out a shaky breath he went on. "About the note... I know it would be weird if we..."

"Give me a valid reason to be talking to you, Dallas."

"Right," he stated quickly. "Um... Your prowler..." Monroe froze dead in her tracks before turning to look at him wide eyed. "We know where she's hiding. There's a cove near the outside of town, dad and I tract her core from the cafe massacre to there. We plan on..." Before he finished, Monroe started running off and when he finally caught up to her she burst into a ball of black mist. "... Destroying her," he finished.

Monroe, with her trusty sidekick, Binx, were running down the damp beach sand. With a simple press on her circle ruin; Koh, Mona and Aden appeared in front of her. "In there," she pointed to the cove. "Kill anything that moves."

Koh and Aden merely nodded but Mona was skeptical. She turned from the cove back to her friends, her fear of being plagued by visions of death clouding her judgement. "I'll stay put. Be back up," she voiced. Though Monroe wanted the vampire's head on a pike more than anything else, she wouldn't've forced them to do it if they didn't want to. Keeping her eyes locked on Mona, she nodded before she, Aden and Koh hurried to the cove.

The smell of salt and fish filled tainted the walls of the cove, the waves that were crashing on the inner most part sounded faintly like warfare. "You must be the young De La Core," a sly woman's voice echoed. A swooshing noise deafened the three castors before Aden noticed that Koh was gone.

"Where are they?" Monroe searched around before turning back to Aden. "Let her go!" He let out a grunt as he excreted fire from his mouth and fists.

Shielding herself from the blaze, Monroe took the chance to search the cove again, now in better light. The blonde woman was gracefully crouched in a high up corner with the blaze and water reflecting off her flawless skin. With a flick of her wrist, Monroe brought a tremor through the cove, dismantling a section into pour debris.

Fists of flames were hurled towards the woman while huge rocks fell from above her. Furiously vines spewed out of the ground, violently slithering up to the woman while the rushing water crashed against the rocky floor in unnatural ways before racing the vines for the woman.

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