Preference #3: How You Tell The Fans

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Brady: In this relationship, you and Brady hid everything. The boys didn't one about your relationship with each other for a year. That's when you told the fans too.

Brady was your prom date and you took a picture of the two of you kissing for the post. Brady Instagramed out:

brady: tonight with this girl has been the best night of my life

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brady: tonight with this girl has been the best night of my life. This is my girlfriend and I love her, I need you guys to respect it.

Chance: the fans already could tell by you being the one to bring Brookie to BoyBand and their shows. He absolutely adores you and the fans do too.

Drew: ever since he knocked down your technical equipment he made it his duty to be careful with you. Him knowing your past and not wanting to hurt your future, he was very caring. He didn't tell the fans until you decided you wanted to.

"Yes guys, the girl in that picture is indeed (Y/N). Yes she is my girlfriend. Guys please no hate! I need you guys to get with the fact that we can't date everyone, we have lives too." He revealed in a Livestream.

Michael: You guys were dating for about 2 weeks  before the press showed up and started snapping pictures of Michael Conor and he famous mystery lady. Rumors had spread the two of you went on a long vacation to Barbados, before telling them about the two of you.

Sergio: The press firstly made up stories about you two because of the rumors everyone wanted to know. You then we're known as the boys hairdresser/makeup artist and Sergio's girl. You didn't care. You loved each other for real.

Quick not if nobody cares to give me some quick Preference ideas so I can publish more because I really want to work on PERSONAL IMAGINES for you guys.. I need 7 more Preferences

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