Break Up Imagine

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A/N: this is not a request! I just randomly got this idea in my head as I was reading and replying to comments. This is going to be based on my Sergio break up tweet.....for all the commenters asking....who the bandmate is....youll get to know.


It was a cold winter night....of course Sergio decided to throw a party.

As usual, there would be drinks too. Something i wasn't too keen on but think I deserve once in a while.

I peck Sergio on the cheek before opening the door to reveal the majority BoyBand cast.

"Welcome to mí casa amigos!"

*skippy doo*

It was about an hour and a half in to the party and a majority of us were drunk... Me? I only had half a bottle..

"Gghey *burp* baby" says a voice behind me. I turn around and i don't see Sergio...but someone else.

"Oh, hi." I smiled.

"You soooooooo bootyfilled."

I walk away.

"Hey! I want that!"

I turn back around. Big mistake.

"Want what exactly?"

He takes a few fingers and pokes my butt..

"Uhm, you're very drunk. Please, get away from me you know I habe a boyfriend."

"Yeeeeaaaaah." The drunken boy slurs. "Itsssss me *burp*"

The next part was a blur. How he got me to drink more? I don't know. How we got up to my bedroom? I don't know. How all of that felt? Hate to say it but good... Did I feel bad for Sergio?

.....I don't know

But Sergio screamed so loud that half the cast showed. Mostly praising me for my fully new drunken state...and for getting....someone else in bed that is...

Present time

I get a notification on twitter about 2 days later.

@sjrcalderon: mi vida is no longer happy without you. I can't believe I'm replaced by my bandmate.

That bandmate he's talking about, is currently laying next to me, watching me scroll.

"Can't believe hes subtweeting us." He scoffs.

"Yeah." I throw my phone on the floor after i silence it.

I roll over so that I am on top of him. I lean down and place a small kiss to his cheek.

"You missed."

I place a kiss on his lips.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too...


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