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Chapter 1


My eyes scan the vast space of the Boarding House, eyes darting from face to face. My loved ones expressions mirrored what I assumed to be my own. Fear. Apprehension. Doubt. But you would be stupid to miss the glimmer of hope, excitement. I had been trying to stay reasonable, keeping my expectations low. Believe me, I tried, but as I sat on the edge of the pool table, feet dangling as dead weight, my whole body buzzed with adrenaline and anticipation.

It's happening. It's finally fucking happening.

My sister's matching brown eyes flickered over me wearily from across the room, her top teeth indenting the plush of her bottom lip.

"Fox, you really don't have to do this... I'll be perfectly fine on my own," Elena spoke up, her voice small as she failed to mask her own anxieties. Clearly mistaking my trembling figure for nerves, not pure elation. I shake my head, giving her a genuine smile accompanied by a double thumbs up. "Told you 'Lena, I'm good. Nothing you say can change my mind."

Elena, still looking skeptical, attempts a playful eye roll as she nods. "Always so stubborn."

Her concern is completely understandable. I'm always going to be her little brother and she's always going to worry. It's what she does. She's practically a professional at it.

But I want to help. I need to help. The overwhelming exigency to finally feel useful for once amongst this world of supernatural beings too strong to shake. Being a simple human amongst these all-powerful, physically superior beings was a lot harder than anyone could comprehend. The constant feeling of not strong enough, not powerful enough, not good enough, being a repetitious dark cloud fogging the psyche.

"It's time," Olivia pipes up, a light lipped, nervous smile making it's way onto her face. "Let's do this."

The reality of oh shit this is actually happening washes over me like a tsunami, and my previous excitement dwindles immensely as I feel my body freeze in place. Fuck fuck fuck.

"Fox, come on," Liv says in a singsong tone, desperately trying to veil her own tension. "Gotta touch me for it to work." This, of course, is what disrupts me from my oncoming downward spiral, my eyebrows shooting up and a snort being punched from my throat. Dirty minded fucker.

"Damn Olivia, at least take me on a date first," I chuckle out causing Liv, Elena, Stefan and Caroline to all roll their eyes in unison. Stefan and Caroline being there for emotional support, as Caroline had told me when they both showed up at the house unannounced. Together. Their thighs brush from where they sit side by side on the couch, too close for it to be just friendly. 

"Oh hush you," Liv scoffs lightheartedly. "Just get over here."

I give in, stumbling over to them as my eyes follow my well-worn, dirty white Converse on the pristine wooden floor. I quietly continue to laugh, finding myself quite hilarious. "Shut it, Fox. It wasn't that funny," I mutter under my breath, biting back a grin. I've always a habit of talking to myself.

My parents used to say that it wasn't an uncommon occurrence to hear little kid me having full blown conversations with myself through the walls of my bedroom during the night. Laughing, saying they had jokingly contemplated taking me to an exorcist once or twice. I found stability and comfort in conversing with myself. No one there to judge but me.

My eyes caught Caroline's before grasping Liv's hand into my own. She probably knew me better than anyone else in the room. Hell, maybe even myself sometimes. She could easily sense my anxiety, despite my forced visage and gave me a reassuring smile, which surprisingly helped slightly.

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