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Chapter 9


The sun seeping through the sheer curtains wakes me from my sleep. My eyelids peel open revealing the cream-white ceiling accompanied by a whirring ceiling fan, the white noise it creates lulling me into a calm state. I blink rapidly from the brightness, before a husky groan emits from my throat and I roll over onto my stomach in an attempt to force myself back into the — thankfully — dreamless sleep I so desperately crave. Or, at least, I try to roll over.

My eyes snap open as the, now, extremely recognisable scent invades my senses. A soft groan enters my ears as my legs entangle with another set of legs and my face buries into the warm crook of a neck. That's when I feel it. An unfamiliar hardness pressing against my hip.


Oh fuck.

The memories from the previous night flood my mind. The revelation that I have fucking powers. Bonnie in the woods. The pool... And— and my body pressed flush against the siphoner, legs intertwined beneath the duvet with his morning wood hot against the naked expanse of my hip. A chill creeps up my spine despite the sticky warmth of the bed and a heady feeling twirls deep amongst the excitement of getting out of here in my stomach.

I whip back around onto my back, as gentle as I can muster in my panicked and, quite frankly, flustered state. Unstable breaths escape me as my wide eyes bore into the ceiling. It's fine, it's fine. It's normal. Morning wood is completely and utterly normal and happens to every guy. It has absolutely nothing to do with me. He's just a guy being a guy. A guy who hasn't been touched in eighteen years who is pressed against me and moaning in my ear.

My eyes squeeze shut as that last thought enters my mind, silently willing my internal monologue to shut the fuck up as my chest heaves up and down and the heady feeling in my stomach slowly starts to descend lower. I subtly try to withdraw my legs from his hold, but that attempt is rendered ineffective as my upper thigh accidentally rolls against his... well. Against him.

His breath fans my neck as he elicits another hushed groan at the contact, and his hand reaches out to grasp at the waistband of my sweatpants. Unconsciously. Obviously. My eyes squeeze shut, my teeth ripping into my bottom lip and fuck fuck fuck I need to get the fuck out of this bed. Like. Yesterday.

I discreetly push myself up into a sitting position, causing his hand to fall limp against my upper thigh and my breath hitches at the gentle caress. I attempt to rationalise my thoughts as I blow out a shaky stream of air.

It's been like, what? Six weeks since my last hormone shot? Yeah, that's definitely it. My hormones are just all over the place right now. That is not my fault and the concupiscence aching in my veins has absolutely nothing to do with the sociopath. I ignore the fact that time is literally not passing and it's technically only been two weeks since my last shot.

I shake the thoughts from my head, carefully pulling the blanket off my body. This, however, only makes the issue ten times fucking worse as the duvet reveals Kai's lower half. The extremely prominent tenting in his green and black flannel pants and oh my God I literally wish I drowned last night.

I slap my hand against my cheek. Jesus fucking Christ, Fox. Get your shit together.

Kai wakes with a start at the sound of my hand cracking against my face, groaning out— but this time from annoyance and disrupted sleep. I freeze, trying to stay as inconspicuous and subtle as possible. He lifts his hand from my thigh, which I'm unsure as to if he's even cognizant enough to realise, and shoves it up under his head. He buries his face into the comfort of the pillow. "G'way. Try'na sleep, stupid," he grumbles with his eyebrows furrowed in a pout and his nose squished up against the cotton.

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