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Chapter 5

little warning for talks about abuse, self destructive behaviour and suicidal ideation. the suicide is played off as jokes by kai, but its still there so be careful!


"Kai, Jesus Christ," I groan as the thick grey curtains get pulled from position, revealing the blaring sun. I unconsciously raise my hands up to cover my eyes, squinting at the newfound light with a throaty wheeze and eyes focusing on the siphoner, freshly dressed and hair slightly damp.

"Rise and shine, Frankenstein," Kai sings, spinning around to face me in front of the window with a grin. "We have a Portland to get to."

I thump my head back against the pillow, eyes squeezing shut in attempt to rid myself of the sleep induced blurriness. "Amazing fucking grammar," I yawn, eyes peeling opened and hoisting myself up on my elbows. It's impossible to ignore the crick in my neck and dull pain in my lower back from the less than comfortable bones of the couch. Kai rolls his eyes.

"Says you. You can't be like, more than fourteen," He assumes and I pout, feign hurt on my face. "You keep saying shit like that," I reply with a bleary blink. "I'm literally two years younger than you." He shakes his head, raising his eyebrows from his position and I hold back a snort at the sight of his jacket pulled back and his hands on his hips, like a teacher about to scold me.

"I'm technically forty, you know." My nose scrunches up at the reminder that he is Jo's twin and significantly older than one may assume. "Old ass man," I mutter humorously, earning a middle finger from the siphoner.

He claps giddily before pacing around the room, searching for nothing in particular. "Hurry up, get clean, and get to the car," He demands eagerly. I throw the blankets off me and rise up from the couch like a zombie, wincing at the stiffness of my muscles. I roll my neck and pull my shoulder blades taut, resulting in a satisfying crack. I sigh in gratification. "Why are we in such a rush?" I ask Kai, following him into the kitchen.

"Told you this Xee, we have a Portland to get to," He replies, pulling open the last pack of pork rinds and popping a handful into his mouth. I noticeably grimace.

"That is not a nutritious breakfast," I say while plopping myself down on one of the stools. "Now you're bullying me about my eating habits again?" Kai asks rhetorically, his mouth full with crumbs cascading down from his mouth at fault of his sarcastic smile. "God, can a sociopath ever catch a break in his own hell loop?" I chuckle.

"Where's the fun in being stuck here if I don't get to harass you daily?" My lips match his smile, teeth on show with the sickly sweet sarcasm. Two more middle fingers.

"Found some clothes upstairs, sorry if they're not up to your ridiculously high standards," he muffles through a mouthful, throwing his head up towards the second floor slightly. I scoff, but the noise lacks any sort of malice. "My 'ridiculously high standards'?" I question incredulously, making my way towards the stairs.

"Again with the bullying," I hear him grumble from the kitchen. "Harassment is supposed to be my job."

I get through the shower with a rushed quickness, unceremoniously assaulting my hair with dollops of shampoo. My eyelids stay glued shut throughout the duration, a ritual I've subconsciously picked up since the first time I caught sight of the illusory face stalking me in the condensation of the shower door and almost knocked myself the fuck out against the tiles. Apparently my little ghost friend doesn't understand the concept of privacy.

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